
What does YKYK mean in text?

What does YKYK mean in text?

You’re Kidding

What is the hashtag Iykyk?

The abbreviation of IYKYK IS * if you know you know* basically it’s saying… either feel the same as I do, then you understand how important this experience or moment in time/possession/person/experience is to me. Similar phrases ; Do you feel me?

What does Iykyk Y mean?

If You Know, You Know

How do you say you dont know?

List of 40 other ways to say I don’t know in English.

  1. Beats me.
  2. Hmm…
  3. I am not the best person to answer that.
  4. I can find out for you.
  5. I can’t remember off the top of my head. I’ll get back to you on that.
  6. I don’t have that information here right now.
  7. I don’t know anything about…
  8. I have no clue/idea.

Is As you are aware rude?

“As you know…” is not impolite, but if you are uncomfortable with it you could use, “As you are no doubt aware…”

How do you show anger in writing?

When we write about angry characters, we should remember that there is always something behind this emotion….Physical signs of anger include:

  1. An increased heart rate.
  2. Feeling hot or flushed.
  3. Shaking.
  4. A clenched jaw.
  5. A dry mouth.
  6. Shouting, ranting, making loud noises.
  7. Staring.
  8. Baring teeth.

How do you show disappointment in writing?

Writers can show characters’ disappointment by choosing alternative verbs. For example: Numerous unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking beat Al. With a trembling chin, he dialed his therapist and made an appointment.

How do you show frustration?


  1. Using more force than necessary (stomping feet, throwing instead of handing off)
  2. A display of violence (kicking, grabbing, shaking, or destroying something in release)
  3. A tantrum (screaming, body flung down on the floor, crying)

How do you communicate with disappointment?

Use statements that are concrete and specific, such as “I am disappointed because you didn’t help me clean up after dinner,” rather than “You’re so lazy and never help me clean.” Words like “never” and “always” generalize a specific situation and can lead to a full-blown argument.

Is Disappointment an emotion or feeling?

As an emotion, researchers describe disappointment as a form of sadness—a feeling of loss, an uncomfortable space (or a painful gap) between our expectations and reality. When we believe that there’s something we must have to be happy and fulfilled, we can set ourselves up for disappointment.

How do you respond to disappointment?

6 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When People Disappoint You

  1. Allow your feelings. Being rejected, let down, or betrayed can trigger feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger.
  2. Acknowledge your unmet needs.
  3. Take care of yourself.
  4. Decide if you need to speak up.
  5. Examine your expectations.
  6. Set boundaries if you need to.

What is the root cause of disappointment?

The root of disappointment comes from holding expectations. You can win life if you avoid two things comparisons and expectations. Simple things become complicated when you expect too much.

What does disappointment lead to?

Being disappointed also increases the risk of physical and emotional difficulties such as headaches, stomach problems, and over-perspiration. It can even lead to chronic stress if we’re very disappointed for long periods of time.