What does Voy stand for?

What does Voy stand for?


Acronym Definition
VOY Star Trek: Voyager
VOY Voices of Youth (various locations)
VOY Volunteer of the Year

What are the forms of Gustar in Spanish?

Here are the present tense conjugations of gustar with their indirect object pronouns:

  • (a mí) Me gusta — I like.
  • (a ti) Te gusta — You like.
  • (a él/ella/usted) Le gusta — He/She/You like(s)
  • (a nosotros) Nos gusta — We like.
  • (a vosotros) Os gusta — You all like.
  • (a ellos/ellas/ustedes) Les gusta — They like/You all like.

Is Gustar irregular?

The verb gustar is an irregular one so you can’t conjugate it like other -ar verbs. This Spanish verb can be particularly hard for new Spanish language students.

What is the past tense of Gustar in Spanish?


inglés yo
Imperfect I used to like, liked me gustaba(n)
Preterite I liked me gustó, gustaron
Past Perfect – Pluperfect I had liked me había(n) gustado
Future I will like me gustará(n)

How do you conjugate doler?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb doler in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
El/Ella duele
Ellos/Ellas duelen

What type of verb is doler?

Doler means to hurt, but it is a reflexive verb. This means that it does something to you.

What are Iops Spanish?

The Spanish indirect object pronouns are used to replace a word or phrase, which in the sentence, fulfills that function. They are usually placed before the verb, when this is conjugated. If the verb is not conjugated, then the indirect object pronoun is placed after the verb.