What does the word stranger mean?

What does the word stranger mean?

1 : a person in a new or unfamiliar place She is a stranger here and does not know her way around. 2 : a person whom another person does not know or has not met Children should not talk to strangers.

What is the meaning of Stanger?

English (mainly Newcastle and Durham): of uncertain origin, probably a derivative of northern Middle English stang ‘pole’ (of Old Norse origin). Possible meanings include a topographic name for someone who lived by a pole or stake (compare Stakes) or an occupational name for someone armed with one.

Who is the killer in perfect stranger?


What does your perfect mean?

Webster Dictionary Perfect(adj) brought to consummation or completeness; completed; not defective nor redundant; having all the properties or qualities requisite to its nature and kind; without flaw, fault, or blemish; without error; mature; whole; pure; sound; right; correct.

Who is perfect man in the world?

1. George Clooney. And here he is, the king of the golden ratio himself. The 56 year old actor and new father of twins scored an impressive 91.86%, as well as coming in second for best nose (99.6%) and fourth for most handsome eyes (94.8%).

Who is the most perfect person ever?

Supermodel Bella Hadid has been declared the most beautiful woman in the world after she passed a science test that determines what constitutes the ‘perfect face’.

Who was the most perfect person to ever live?

Historically, it was Muhammad (alayhissalam) peace be upon him. He was recognised even by his enemies as a most sincere, trustworthy, morally perfect person.

Who is perfect in the Bible?

Genesis 6:9] These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Genesis 17:1] And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

What is perfect man?

You are bold, confident, and not afraid to stand out. You love to speak your mind and you do so. This might sound clichéd, but the following words hold a world of wisdom: “A real man would love you for who you are and motivate you to grow, not alter your personality. Be proud of yourself, but not arrogant.

What is the ideal body shape for a man?
