
What does the word Gaelic mean?

What does the word Gaelic mean?

1 : of or relating to the Gaels and especially the Celtic Highlanders of Scotland. 2 : of, relating to, or constituting the Goidelic speech of the Celts in Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Scottish Highlands.

How do you pronounce Capaill Uisce?

Now the young-adult novelist is turning her attention to another breed of mythological creature — the maniacal water horse. American readers are probably unfamiliar with such a thing, but the capall uisce (pronounced “copple ooshka”), as they’re called in “The Scorpio Races,” are a Celtic legend.

Is the Scorpio Races a movie?

It takes place on the fictional island of Thisby, where an idealistic young racer and a legendary horse trainer prepare for the annual Scorpio Race, an event where blood-lusting “water horses” and their jockeys race for a grand prize at lethal costs. This is Sobel’s first studio film.

Where does the Scorpio Races take place?


What year does the Scorpio Races take place?

The Scorpio Races is set during the first half of the 20th century and despite all my exhaustive speculation, I cannot tell you exactly when. I currently feel like it’s set in the early 30s, but honestly, that could change at the drop of a (bowler) hat.

Does whiskey mean water of life?

Whisky is an English corruption from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic, “uisge beatha” or “usquebaugh”, meaning “water of life”. During Prohibition in the 1920s, scotch, uniquely, could legally be imported into the United States because it was considered a medicine, not a liquor.

Which spirit’s name means water of life?

The Water of Life – Scotch Uisge Beath is the Scottish Gaelic translation of the Latin term for distilled alcohol: “acqua vitae”, or “water of life”.

What is Aqua alcohol?

Aquavit, also spelled aquavite, or akvavit, also called snaps, flavoured, distilled liquor, clear to pale yellow in colour, dry in flavour, and ranging in alcohol content from about 42 to 45 percent by volume. …

Why was liquor considered an aqua vitae or water of life?

Aqua Vitae has a long history, yet many seem confused about what Aqua Vitae actually is. The term was commonly used to describe distilled drinks, and translated from Latin it means ‘water of life’. Aqua Vitae was typically distilled from wine, therefore it is often linked to brandy.

What is wine spirit?

Definitions of spirits of wine. noun. rectified ethyl alcohol. see more. type of: ethanol, ethyl alcohol, fermentation alcohol, grain alcohol.

Is Aquavit a liqueur?

Aquavit is the national liquor of most of the Nordic countries. An aquavit is made by infusing the selected herbs and spices, such as caraway and dill, in alcohol which is then distilled and further blended with alcohol and pure water.

What is the national drink of Denmark?
