
What does the Spirit Bear possess?

What does the Spirit Bear possess?

The Spirit Bear possess’ honor, dignity, and pride.

What does Edwin tell Cole to do as soon as he sees him?

What does Edwin tell him? Cole says he would kill it, and Edwin warns him that whatever he does to the animals, he does to himself (18). 2-6.

What mistake does Cole admit to?

What is the first mistake Cole admits to? Beating up Peter was a mistake. Trying to swim into the tide was a mistake.

Why did Cole burn down his shelter?

Why does Cole burn down his first shelter? He needed to start a fire in order to stay warm. The fire started accidentally, and Cole didn’t want to burn the shelter. The shelter is part of a game that Cole does not want to play.

What weapon does Cole create?

The Amp is a melee weapon built and designed by Zeke Dunbar, made especially for his best friend Cole MacGrath to channel his powers into it, thereby creating a much more efficient way of taking down enemies.

What does Cole eat at the end of Chapter 10?

What does Cole catch to eat at the end of this chapter? Cole catches a mouse on his arm.

How does Cole feel about death?

How does Cole feel about death? He feels that it’s his time just like the sparrows. He is accepting because now he understand the circle of life and he has to make the most out of it.

What weapon does Cole create in Touching Spirit Bear?


Who does Cole argue with at the circle?

Chapters 6-8, pp. 47-73, Study Guide Questions

Question Answer
1. Who does Cole argue with at the Circle? his father
3. What does Peter feel will make things better? smashing Cole\’s head
4. When will the tide come in? midday
5. Who does Cole blame for his banishment on the island? garvey

What did Garvey tell Cole when Cole said that Peter would never forgive him?

Garvey told Cole when Cole said that Peter would never forgive him he said he would have to. Cole had explained to Peter he threw away proof that he had been mauled by a white bear because he didnt want to belive it happend. Peter fixed Cole’s totem while he and Garvey are out looking for whales.

What does Cole do to try to sustain himself?

He looks out and sees that two of the sparrows from the tree have died. Cole makes the firm decision to live at this point, and attempts to try to feed himself with the grass around him. He also resorts to eating worms from the ground for sustenance..

What do the people in Cole’s nightmare call him in Touching Spirit Bear?

Terms in this set (30) What do the people in Cole’s nightmare call him? They call him a fool and a baby-faced con.

Does Edwin believe Cole will be okay when what happens?

Edwin believes Cole will be okay when what happens? Edwin believes Cole will be okay when he finds a reason to live.

Why did he spit at the bear?

Q. Why does Cole spit at the bear? to show the bear he is ready to die.

What does the word banishment mean in Touching Spirit Bear?

Banishment is the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent). Part of Cole’s punishment is being banished to an island near Alaska.

What is Peter’s last name in Touching Spirit Bear?

Peter Driscal

What does Cole feel as he touches the spirit bear?

Cole also realizes that he can’t redo his past; this moment is all he has. He senses that he’s starting to slip away, and though he’s sad to die, he feels content to pass away having trusted the Spirit Bear and having the bear trust him. Cole puts his head down and feels like he’s floating.

Did Cole rob a hardware store Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole is being sent to an island in southeast Alaska as a punishment for violently beating up Peter Driscall, the boy who reported to police that Cole robbed and ransacked a hardware store.

Who attends the first hearing Circle in Touching Spirit Bear?

During the first Hearing Circle, Cole was nervous and worried about whether or not Peter would show up. He hadn’t seen Peter since Cole had beat him severely. Everyone at the meeting seemed to treat him with kindness, even though they didn’t know him.

How did Cole get water?

Next, Cole notices that there are seagulls eating his vomit. He fends them off and eats his own vomit, realizing that any food will help keep him alive. Cole begins to feel better, and when it rains he opens his mouth to catch some of the water.

What happened in chapter 21 of Touching Spirit Bear?

In chapter 21 of Touching Spirit Bear, we will see how Cole is tested. He is faced with trials and temptations which he overcomes very well. He is on his way to healing. He has already progressed since the last time he was on this island.

Who tells Cole he can come inside the cabin?

Peter invites Cole to stay in the cabin where it is warm and dry. Peter takes off the at. oow and invites Cole to wrap himself in it. Peter eats a snickers bar Cole leaves for him and says, “Thank you..

How is the hunting knife like life?

Garvey gives Cole a hunting knife and says that the knife is like life: it can destroy Cole or help him heal. If Cole looks at the knife as life, the natural world as a teacher, and the pond as a way to manage his anger, he’ll be okay.

Who makes the best hunting knives in the world?

Best Hunting Knives

  • Benchmade Hidden Canyon.
  • Benchmade Grizzly Ridge.
  • Spyderco Bow River.
  • Havalon Piranta-Z Pro.
  • Gerber Vital Pocket Folding Knife.
  • ESEE Ashley Game Knife.
  • Buck Bucklite Max II.
  • Buck 110 Folding Hunter Pro. Rounding out the list of best hunting knives is the ever-iconic Buck 110 Folding Hunter Pro.

What is the best steel for a hunting knife?

154CM and ATS-34 — so close in composition as to be virtually the same alloy — are the best stainless steels used in knives. With less chromium and an increase in molybdenum, these stainless steels are harder, stronger, and more wear/corrosion-resistant than 440C or VG-10.

What should I look for in a hunting knife?

The knife you choose should match your hand size and strength. It should fit and feel good in your hand, and not slip. When field dressing animals, you’ll often get blood on your hands, which can make some knife handles slippery. Cull said good grips help hunters maintain control and avoid accidental cuts.