
What does the medical abbreviation CA mean?

What does the medical abbreviation CA mean?

List of medical abbreviations: C

Abbreviation Meaning
CA carcinoma cancer
Ca calcium carcinoma cancer
CAA coronary artery aneurysm
c/b complicated by

What is CA timeline?

Often dates will be preceded with a “c.” or a “ca.” These are abbreviations of the Latin word “circa” which means around, or approximately. We use this before a date to indicate that we do not know exactly when something happened, so c. 400 B.C.E. means approximately 400 years Before the Common Era.

Who first discovered California?

Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo

What does CA mean in slang?

ca. has the following 2 definition(s) + add your definition. circa. circa is used in Slang. approximately.

What does CA stand for in nutrition?


What does CA stand for in writing?

Circa (from Latin ‘around, about, roughly, approximately’) – frequently abbreviated ca. or c. and less frequently circ., cca. or cc. – signifies “approximately” in several European languages and is used as a loanword in English, usually in reference to a date.

Where is Ca country?

the United States

Why is Quebec QC?

In 1991, the code for Quebec was changed from PQ to QC. Canadian postal codes begin with “X” for both NT and NU, the only two territorial or provincial jurisdictions to share the same initial postal code letter. However, the new code NU was chosen to stem possible confusion and to reflect the new territory’s creation.

What country is stand for?

Country Abbreviations

Alphabetically by abbreviation
Abbrev. Country
ar Argentina
as American Samoa
at Austria

What country is ie short for?


What is country code for us?


What is 44 angel number?

Angel number 44 is a representation of positive energy and blessings in your life. Your guardian angels are around you and they will be forever protective of you. This number is an important number to see especially if you are going through hard life situations.

What does +44 mean in slang?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: .44 Magnum handgun
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 1: Easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What does 44 mean in rap?

The number 4 has a deep and personal meaning to Jay-Z and Beyoncé. Meanwhile 44 appears to be a reference to the 44th president of the United States—Barack Obama.