What does the French phrase Mon Ami mean?

What does the French phrase Mon Ami mean?

my friend

How do you respond to Bonjour mon ami?

You can either reply saying “Bonjour” back or you could say “salut” which also means hello but in an informal way. You can also reply either with “comment allez-vous?” which means how are you or how is it going in a formal way or you could use “ça va?” which also means the same but in an informal way.

What to say in response to thank you in French?

De rien

What to reply for pleasure is all mine?

“The pleasure is all mine” is usually said in response to “I’m pleased to meet you”. It simply means “you’re welcome.”…

  • You are too kind!
  • Thanks again!
  • I really appreciate it!

How do you reply to a welcome message?

I am glad to be a part of this group. Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I look forward to know each one of you and at the same time contribute to the group in all my abilities.

What is the warm welcome?

A hearty, hospitable reception or greeting, as in We got a very warm welcome when we finally arrived. This expression, dating from the mid-1700s, should not be confused with the similar warm reception, which from about 1700 signified a hostile welcome, as in His rivals were planning a warm reception for him.

Why do we say welcome after thank you?

It means ‘I was happy to help’. We can say, for example, ‘You’re welcome to use my laptop’ which means ‘I am happy for you to use my laptop’. So, when we say ‘You’re welcome’ after someone has thanked you, this is just a short form of ‘That’s ok. I was happy to help you’.

What is welcome aboard?

The adverb aboard means on board, as in on a ship, train or plane. If you were just hired, your new manager might say “Welcome aboard” (the figurative company train). The phrase “All aboard!” is said as a warning before departure, especially before a ship or train leaves.

How do you welcome someone to a company?

Examples of welcome messages

  1. “We are so excited about having you on our team!
  2. “Your skills and talents will be a great addition to our project.
  3. “On behalf of all of us, welcome onboard!
  4. “Congratulations on joining our team!
  5. “I welcome you on behalf of our management and hope you will like working with us.”