
What does the acronym IHS stand for?

What does the acronym IHS stand for?

a contraction derived from the Greek word ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, Jesus, used as a symbol or monogram: later misunderstood as a Latin abbreviation I.H.S. and expanded variously as Iesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus, Savior of Men; In Hoc Signo (Vinces), in this sign (thou shalt conquer); In Hac (Cruce) Salus, in this (cross) salvation.

What does the Catholic symbol PX mean?

What is the PX Christian symbol? It’s chi-rho, the first two letters of the Greek word for “Christ”, which transliterates into English as Christos. “X” approximates the Greek letter chi, “P” approximates the Greek letter rho.

What does Loaves and Fishes mean?

Tangible benefits or rewards, especially when they serve as one’s motivation for action. The phrase refers to the Bible story in which Jesus blesses a small amount of fish and loaves of bread, resulting in the disciples having enough food to distribute to thousands of people.

How many miracles did Jesus perform in the book of John?

7 Miracles

Where was the miracle of the loaves and fishes?

Sea of Galilee

What is the significance of 153 fish in John 21?

Theologian D. A. Carson discusses this and other interpretations and concludes that “if the Evangelist has some symbolism in mind connected with the number 153, he has hidden it well”, while other scholars note that “no symbolic significance for the number of 153 fish in John 21:11 has received widespread support.”

What kind of fish did Jesus multiply?

Sardines or sea salmon the point of the story is, that Jesus fed a multitude with 5 loaves and two small fish.

Who turned water into wine in the Bible?


Can you turn water into wine?

Benedict Irwin, Peter Hicks, and Hannah Lerman assumed pure water was turned into a basic form of wine—water mixed with ethanol, at a 12% alcohol level. This simple formula does leave out all the other chemical goodness in wine (vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and the like), but this is just a thought experiment.

Who first invented wine?

In 2011, a wine press and fermentation jars from about 6,000 years ago were found in a cave in Armenia. The world’s earliest non-grape based wine is believe to be a fermented alcoholic beverage of rice, honey and fruit found in China and dating to about 7,000 BC.