
What does Supposably mean?

What does Supposably mean?

as may be conceived or imagined

What does supposedly mean?

as is supposed

Is supposedly proper English?

Trick to Remember the Difference It’s not difficult to differentiate these spellings since only one of them in used in written English. Supposedly is the correct spelling. Supposably is a misspelling.

How do you use Supposably?

If something is assumed to be true, use supposedly with a form of to be. For example, “He is supposedly the smartest boy in the class.” If something is simply possible, use supposably with a modal verb that indicates doubt. For example, “He might supposably be the smartest boy in the class.”

How do you use supposedly in a sentence?

Supposedly sentence example

  1. from the town, is supposedly British, of unknown date.
  2. Incidentally, he supposedly came on the radar as a result of a tip from this man or woman everyone’s read about; the so-called psychic tipster person.
  3. It made her mind leap until she recalled she was supposedly on a spaceship.

What is the opposite of supposedly?

Antonyms of SUPPOSEDLY impossibly, incredibly, unlikely, implausibly, improbably.

What is the difference between supposedly and supposed to be?

“Supposedly” is an adverb. “Supposed” is an adjective. They are two forms of the same word. But you have to use them correctly: in the proper place for an adverb, and in the proper place for an adjective.

What’s the definition of apparently?

: it seems apparent —used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known an apparently happy marriageThe window had apparently been forced open.

What does apparently so mean?

1 readily seen or understood; evident; obvious. 2 usually prenominal seeming, as opposed to real. his apparent innocence belied his complicity in the crime.

How can we use apparently in a sentence?

Apparently something had been discussed in her absence. Apparently she was wrong. I did, but apparently that status changed. Apparently the horse knew the rider meant business, because it didn’t act up again.

How we use literally in a sentence?

She was literally at the end of her rope, so flight into the woods was unwise. A mouse she could handle – literally , but a snake was something different. Would you believe it, I have literally not a penny and don’t know how to equip Boris. They slept together — literally , and he never offered to do anything else.

What does literally speaking mean?

To speak literally, in this sense, is just to mean what one’s words themselves say. Literally says, in effect, ‘I mean what I’m saying: to understand me correctly you need add nothing to the meaning of my words’.

Whats the opposite of technically?

As an editorial person myself, probably the most coherent way is to use “loosely speaking” as the opposite of “technically [speaking].” This is mainly because technically is often used with the implication of ‘speaking’ so that the word ‘speaking’ is often dropped because it should be reasonably understood.

What does it mean when you say technically?

1 : with regard to or in accordance with a strict or literal interpretation of something (such as a rule, a term, or an official description or designation) What they’re doing is technically illegal.

What do you call a technical person?

A person with a strong interest or skill in computers or technology. geek. hacker. nerd. programmer.

What do you call someone who doesn’t use technology?

1. A Luddite is a person who dislikes technology, especially technological devices that threaten existing jobs or interfere with personal privacy. A Luddite is someone who is incompetent when using new technology.