What does Sun conjunct Uranus mean?

What does Sun conjunct Uranus mean?

People are rebellious when the Sun is in conjunction with Uranus, which means they should expect others to turn their backs on them when they’re going against traditions and society’s norms. The Sun conjunct Uranus transit is giving people a strong individual need to have a mission in life and to help others.

What does Sun sextile Uranus mean?

The Sun in Sextile with Uranus in the natal chart gives the person adventurous and explorative character. This person will most likely be eccentric and a bit egotistical. They might think highly of themselves, especially in regards to their intellectual capacities.

What does Venus conjunct Uranus mean?

Venus conjunct Uranus natal stimulates your social and love life but is quite variable in effect. Much will depend on associated planetary aspects or fixed star conjunction. Favorably influenced, the Venus Uranus conjunction can bring exciting romances with enough personal freedom to enjoy a glamorous social life.

What is a Sun Moon conjunction?

If the Sun and Moon sit close together (within 10-12 degrees of each other) in the same sign, it is considered a conjunction. The Sun/Moon person is able to express their emotions (Moon) consciously (Sun). This is powerful stuff; it sets the course for their entire lives.

What does Sun conjunct Mars mean?

Sun conjunct Mars natal makes you energetic, heroic, courageous, fierce, and fearless. You are militant and warlike with good organizing skills and leadership ability. However, you can also be defiant, intolerant, over-confident, cruel, and vindictive. You are passionate about asserting your identity.

What does Sun conjunct Pluto mean?

Sun conjunct Pluto is where light and darkness collide. Metaphorically, this means that Pluto is the force that pulls our identity (the Self) to transcend itself. Sun conjunct Pluto will show you where you refuse to see the truth of who you are (Sun) because this will mean facing ‘the dark side’.

What does Sun conjunct Saturn mean?

When Saturn is conjunct your Sun, the ray of light that is meant to bring you joy and happiness at its highest expression cannot shine without feeling the overbearing weight and responsibility Saturn asks for. In order to enjoy the moment and live in bliss, the native has to be also working towards the future.

How do you know if a planet is conjunct?

We can handle a little math for the sake of astrology, right? So here’s the deal: If two or more planets are within 0° of each other on the zodiac wheel (or close to it), it’s called a conjunction. If they’re 60° apart, it’s a sextile. Planets that are 90° apart form a square, and 120° apart form a trine.

How do I know if I have a Grand Trine?

A true Grand Trine is when all three planets are in the same element (water, air, earth or fire) in the three separate houses involved. If three lines were drawn to each of the corresponding planets, it would form a nearly or exact equilateral triangle.

What does a grand trine look like?

In astrology, a grand trine is a pattern that forms when three planets on a chart are the same distance from each other, creating an equilateral triangle. This shape is believed to foster confidence, creativity, flow, and harmony.

Are Trines rare?

A grand trine makes us highly idealistic as well as insightful and perspective, having a peace-loving disposition. It can also make us highly creative and articulate. A grand trine in the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius is quite rare.

What is the T square in astrology?

A T-square in astrology is a geometric formation in a horoscope made up of two or more planets/points in opposition (180 degrees apart) that are squared by one or more other planets/points (90 degrees).

How do you read Yod?

How to interpret a Yod. The broad stroke with interpreting yods is to look at the one planet being quincunxed (the green lines) by the other two. This is known as the focal planet and is a sensitive spot in the zodiac which will be reflected in your chart by the house placement.

Is Yod a word in Scrabble?

Yes, yod is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is a multiple planet Square?

90 degrees is sometimes called a right angle, and other times called a square angle… represented by the square in the right-triangle sketch you learn in school. A multi-planet square involves more than two planets. ie. one planet square with more than one other.

How do I find out what my rising sign is?

To calculate your rising sign, you’ll need your star sign and the hour that you were born. In this handy table by Ask the Astrologers, look down the left column for your star sign, and then move along to the hour you were born. Once you have your symbol, look down the left column to again to see what it corresponds to.

What is a talent triangle astrology?

Talent triangle refers to an aspect pattern that may indicate an area in your life you can excel at (exerting self externally/not about the core person but rather like a behavioral trait), notice your 2 trines (120′) and 1 sextiles (60′ –or vice versa) in your chart– that’s where the ‘talent’ should be if you notice it …

What does Pluto represent in astrology?

In the birth chart, Pluto shows the area of life where you’ll personally face the intense powers of creation and destruction. It’s the doorway through which volatile compressed pockets of self, spirit and primal energy lies hidden, which are released either by our own efforts or by provocation from the outside world.