
What does PS mean in texting?

What does PS mean in texting?


What is PS in social media?

Postscript, abbreviated to P.S., transcended quickly from direct mail to email marketing but is still rare to see in social media statuses. With a P.S. being the second most read part of the copy, after the headline, use one in every Facebook status you do and your results will improve.

Where do you put PS in an email?

A postscript is a passage at the end of a letter, following the signature. It only makes sense in the context of a letter composed by hand or on a typewriter, to accommodate an afterthought when you have already finished your letter, and don’t want to retype or rewrite the whole thing again.

Where do we use PS?

P.S. means postscript, from the Latin “postscriptum” aka “written after.” It’s a chance to add one more thought to your message after you’ve finished writing it. P.S. saved us in the days of handwritten letters when clever thoughts often came just after we had already signed the letter off.

How do you write PS?

Add more postscripts by adding a ‘P’ to “P.S.” The “post” in “postscript” is a Latin word meaning ‘after’ (“script” means ‘writing’ in Latin), and so when you add another ‘P’ to a “P.S.’”, you are creating an “after-after-writing” to form P.P.S.

How do you use PS in a sentence?

Use “Ps.” in a sentence | “Ps.” sentence examples

  1. She added a PS to say ‘hi’ to my brother.
  2. There was the usual romantic postscript at the end of his letter – PS I love you.
  3. PS I forgot to invite you to our party next Sunday at six.
  4. PS.
  5. Love from Tessa.
  6. She added a PS asking for your address.
  7. PS Could you send me your fax number again?
  8. Best wishes, Julie.

How do you put a PS in a letter?

1. Place the postscript at the bottom of the page, two lines under your name and signature. Write the abbreviation for postscript as P.S., followed by your ending comment.

Is it OK to use PS in business email?

Yes, it is very acceptable. In fact P.S comes from the Latin ‘Post Scriptum’ meaning ‘written after’. So it usually comes after the main body of the letter or after the signature in the form of a sentence,paragraph or a notice.

Do you capitalize after PS?

The abbreviation for postscript should be written in capital letters, and periods should be used to indicate full stops (P.S.). Postscript was derived from the Latin word, post scriptum, which means written after.

What should I put after PS?

Rather, the correct way to write this abbreviation is “PPS” for “post-postscript” or “after what comes after the writing”. This continues to PPPS, PPPPS, and so on.

Is PS followed by a colon?

To indicate the beginning of a postscript to a letter, one often uses the abbreviation PS (or P.S., p.s., etc) followed by a colon or comma.

What does PS mean on a car?

power output rating

Do you indent PS?

A postscript is usually important; therefore it should stand out. Indent its margin about five spaces from the margin of the letter. The abbreviation “PS.” or “P.S.” may be used or omitted. (If a handwritten postscript or note is added, type it on all copies.)

Can you justify text in Photoshop?

Simply click on your image and start typing. Notice the justify options are grayed out in the paragraph palette. With the text layer selected, go to Type > Convert to Paragraph Text. You can now choose justification options in the paragraph palette.

How do you write a email problem?


  1. Start with Dear and the person’s title and name.
  2. Say what the problem is first. Then, give more details.
  3. Make it short and clear. Just include the most important information.
  4. Say Thank you for your understanding at the end. It shows that you hope the reader will understand your problems.

How do you write an email subject?

15 Tips For Writing An Excellent Email Subject Line

  1. Write the subject line first.
  2. Keep it short.
  3. Place the most important words at the beginning.
  4. Eliminate filler words.
  5. Be clear and specific about the topic of the email.
  6. Keep it simple and focused.
  7. Use logical keywords for search and filtering.

What is an email subject?

What is the subject in an email? The subject line of an email is the single line of text people see when they receive your email. This one line of text can often determine whether an email is opened or sent straight to trash, so make sure it’s optimized toward your audience.

How do you write a good subject line?

How to Write Good Email Subject Lines

  1. Keep it short and sweet.
  2. Use a familiar sender name.
  3. Avoid the ‘no-reply’ sender name.
  4. Use personalization tokens.
  5. Segment your lists.
  6. Don’t make false promises.
  7. Do tell them what’s inside.
  8. Time it right.

What is a subject line?

A Subject Line is the introduction that identifies the emails intent. This subject line, displayed to the email user or recipient when they look at their list of messages in their inbox, should tell the recipient what the message is about, what the sender wants to convey.

What is the purpose of subject in email?

The subject of your email is perhaps the most important few words in the entire email. It is the first impression, it is your tagline, it is the reason the recipient will, or will not open it. The purpose of the subject line is to get the person reading to say three simple words: “Tell me more.”

What is the most important part of an email?

subject line

What is an informative subject line?

Informative email subject lines must be short and descriptive. It is a challenge to be noticed in someone’s inbox, so make sure your business and information emails get straight to the point and highlight important information, without being dramatic or appearing like adverts.