
What does pillow stand for?

What does pillow stand for?

Programming in Logic Languages

What is the sentence of pillow?

Pillow sentence example. She threw the pillow over her head, drawing the light blanket up against her chin. A cold pillow received her hand. She fluffed the pillow and changed position, unable to sleep.

What is another word for pillow?

What is another word for pillow?

cushion bolster
headrest pad
support rest
padding head rest
throw cushion throw pillow

What’s the opposite of pillow?

What is the opposite of pillow?

increase magnify
boost intensify
amplify deepen
double raise
worsen multiply

What is another name for a decorative pillow?

What is another word for throw pillow?

pillow cushion
cocoon buffer
fender bumper
upholstery Dutch wife
beanbag hassock

What is another name for bed?

other words for bed

  • bunk.
  • cot.
  • couch.
  • crib.
  • mattress.
  • bassinet.
  • berth.
  • sack.

What do you say to a crying friend?

Instead of telling someone to stop crying, here are eight things to say instead, no matter how empathic you are:

  • 1) “Talk to me about it.”
  • 2) “It’s okay to be sad.”
  • 3) “I’m here with you.”
  • 4) “I’m here to listen.”
  • 5) “Let’s solve this together.”
  • 6) “Call me when you want to talk.”
  • 7) “The same thing has happened to me.”

What can I say instead of don’t cry?

Here are 10 things to say instead of stop crying:

  • It’s OK if you’re sad.
  • I know this is hard.
  • I am here for you if you need me.
  • Tell me what is making you feel sad.
  • I see you and I hear you.
  • I am listening to you.