What does NS in text mean?

What does NS in text mean?

NS has 2 meanings. No s*** Nice shot.

What does NS mean in school?

NS in Education

6 NS No Score Writing, Score, Beer
3 NS Number Sense Math, Grade, Technology
3 NS Nursing Science University, Health, Science
3 NS Nutritional Sciences Nutrition, Science, Nutritional
2 NS Native Speakers Native, Speaker, Teaching

What does NS stand for medical?

not significant

What is K in medical term?

Medical Definition of K (potassium) K (potassium): K is the symbol for potassium, the major positive ion (cation) found inside of cells. The normal blood potassium level is 3.5 – 5.0 milliEquivalents/liter (mEq/L), or in international units, 3.5 – 5.0 millimoles/liter (mmol/L)

Does AC mean before meals?

Medical Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
AC Before meals
AC HS Before meals and at bedtime
AC breakfast Before breakfast
AC breakfast/dinner Before breakfast and dinner

What does AC mean in time?

It is the modern Latin equivalent to the English term “BC” (“Before Christ”). The phrase Ante Christum Natum is also seen as the shorter Ante Christum (Latin for “Before Christ”), again usually abbreviated to A.C. or AC.

What does AC mean biblically?

The listing in the index of a Bible for the Acts section is an example of Ac. abbreviation. 2. 0. The definition of AC is an abbreviation meaning air conditioning, alternating current, and ante Christum or before Christ.

Who was born today in history?

Famous People Born Today

  • #1 James Watson. Friday, April 6, 1928. Fame Meter (30/100)
  • #2 Merle Haggard. Tuesday, April 6, 1937. Fame Meter (19/100)
  • #3 Ian Paisley. Tuesday, April 6, 1926. Fame Meter (18/100)
  • #4 Rafael Correa. Saturday, April 6, 1963. Fame Meter (14/100)
  • #5 Michele Bachmann. Friday, April 6, 1956.
  • #6 Lars Christensen. Sunday, April 6, 1884.

Who died on this day in history?

Famous People Who Died Today

  • 1 F D Roosevelt. Listed In: Leaders.
  • 2 Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • 3 Abbie Hoffman. Listed In: Activists.
  • 4 Charlie Murphy. Listed In: Film & Theater Personalities.
  • 5 Josephine Baker. Listed In: Dancers.
  • 6 Joe Louis. Listed In: Sportspersons.
  • 7 Sugar Ray Robinson. Listed In: Sportspersons.
  • 8 Joanna of Castile.

Does 365 billion have 7 birthdays?

In support of there being over 7.5 billion birthdays, one for each person in the world, Lisa Leggett, Area Coordinator for MLKCC, explained that everyone has their own birthday “because everyone’s an individual.” She brought up the point about the individuality of the human species being the factor that causes the word …

How many birthday does an average man have?

1 birthday

What famous person died on their birthday?

Feminist activist Betty Friedan, who co-founded the National Organization for Women, died on her 85th birthday on Feb. 4, 2006. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr., congressman and son of four-term U.S. president FDR, died on his 74th birthday on

How many birthdays are a day?

814,000 birthdays

Can people be born February 29?

A leap day was added to the shortest month of the — February — making those born February 29 part of an exclusive club called leaplings, leapers or leapsters. According to The Atlantic, in 2016, there were 187,000 Americans who celebrated their birthdays every four years

What date has the least birthdays?

This Is the Least Common Birthday in the U.S. (No, It’s Not Leap…

  • November 23.
  • November 27.
  • December 26. white hands opening ribbon on gift wrapped present.
  • January 2. Candles on Birthday Cakes.
  • July 4. fourth of july party.
  • December 24. christmas dinner.
  • January 1. girl on her 18th birthday.
  • December 25. Average number of births per year: 6,574.

What being born in January means?

People born before January 20 are Capricorns, while people born toward the end of January have the sign of Aquarius. Capricorns are said to be very independent, disciplined, and organized, often making strong leaders. Aquarians are reportedly in touch with their emotions and have strong humanitarian instincts.

Why is January so special?

January is a month named by the Romans after the God Janus, the God of Gateways. This is because January is the gateway to the new year, and is most often welcomed through a celebration of great merriment and mirth – not to mention a usually-unachievable new year’s resolution!