
What does Nanoo Nanoo mean?

What does Nanoo Nanoo mean?

Nanu nanu (pronounced NAH-noo NAH-noo), also variously spelled Na-nu Na-nu, Na-No Na-No, and Nanoo Nanoo, is the typical Orkan greeting. Its usage may be similar to the Hawaiian word “aloha,” which may be used as both a greeting and a farewell, since Mork also uses the phrase in his weekly mental reports to Orson.

What was Morks catchphrase?

This series put Williams on the comedy map and generated several catchphrases, including Mork’s greeting “Nanu Nanu.” It was accompanied by a handshake that included both participants putting their fingers in the Vulcan salute from “Star Trek.” Mork often said “Shazbot,” an Orkan profanity that I feel should come back …

What language did Mork speak?


What is the meaning of Mork?

Danish (Mørk) and Swedish (Mörk): nickname for someone with dark hair or a swarthy complexion, from Danish mørk, Swedish mörk ‘dark’ (Old Norse myrkr, whence also the English word murk(y)). Norwegian: habitational name from any of about 20 farmsteads so named, from Old Norse mork ‘wood’.

What is the meaning of Mort?


What species is Mort?

mouse lemur

What is the Opus Dei movement?

Opus Dei, (Latin: “Work of God”) in full Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, Roman Catholic lay and clerical organization whose members seek personal Christian perfection and strive to implement Christian ideals and values in their occupations and in society as a whole.

What is a asceticism?

Asceticism, (from Greek askeō: “to exercise,” or “to train”), the practice of the denial of physical or psychological desires in order to attain a spiritual ideal or goal. Hardly any religion has been without at least traces or some features of asceticism.

What is a Flagellant during the Black Death?

The Flagellants were religious zealots of the Middle Ages in Europe who demonstrated their religious fervor and sought atonement for their sins by vigorously whipping themselves in public displays of penance. This approach to achieving redemption was most popular during times of crisis.

What did flagellants believe caused the Black Death?

Flagellants were people who travelled about whipping each other. They believed that the Black Death was God” punishment. They punished themselves in order to beg forgiveness and travelled around, singing hymns and saying prayers.

How did the Black Death affect Christianity?

The perceived failure of God to answer prayers contributed to the decline of the Church’s power & the eventual splintering of a unified Christian worldview. No matter how many Jews, or others, were killed, however, the plague raged on and God seemed deaf to the prayers and supplications of believers.