
What does moonshine and molly mean?

What does moonshine and molly mean?

The lyrics say “Palms rise to the universe as we moonshine and molly, feel the warmth, we’ll never die.” “Moonshine” is a reference to drinking and “molly” refers to the drug Ecstasy — known for its ability to produce a feeling of love, invincibility, and happiness.

What Molly means?

“Molly,” slang for molecular, is the pure crystalline powder form of the popular club drug MDMA, which, in pill form, is known as ecstasy and is often mixed with other substances, such as caffeine,” according to USA Today.

How long are fancy guppies pregnant?

The gestation period of a guppy is typically 21–30 days, but can vary considerably. The area where a pregnant guppy’s abdomen meets the tail is sometimes called the “gravid patch”, or “gravid spot”. When pregnant, there is a slight discoloration that slowly darkens as the guppy progresses through pregnancy.

Can two female betta fish live together?

Unlike male betta fish, female betta fish can live together comfortably in the same tank. When they live together, the cohort is called a ‘sorority’. Generally, a good number to keep together is 4-6 female betta fish. Often, plants or aquarium decorations can serve as good hiding places for betta fish.

How many eggs can a betta fish lay?

10 – 40

What is the most expensive betta fish?


What temp should water be for a betta fish?

75-80 degrees Fahrenheit

What temperature should aquarium be?

With the exception of certain cold water species, most aquarium fish need warm water. Bettas, discus and certain other species do best in water that is between 76° and 85° F, most other tropical fish prefer a range of 75° and 80° F, and goldfish do best from 68° to 74° F.

What temperature do neon tetras need?

Neon tetras need dim lighting, a DH less than one, about 5.5 pH, and a temperature of 75°F to breed.

Where do betta fish live in nature?

Betta fish are native to Asia, where they live in the shallow water of marshes, ponds, or slow-moving streams. Male bettas are devoted fathers who build bubble nests for their young with their mouths and fiercely protect their babies from predators.

Can betta fish live in saltwater?

There are no “easy” pets, but to be fair, bettas are easier to care for than many other types of fish. Bettas do, in fact, need less space than other fish, and they’re hardier. Bettas also live in freshwater, which requires an aquarium environment that is easier to set up and maintain than saltwater.

What is a Halfmoon Betta?

The Male Halfmoon Betta is also known as a Siamese Fighting Fish. These freshwater fish are known best for their beautiful fins and color. Bettas can breathe from their labyrinth organ which enables the fish to breathe from the surface. Minimum tank size: 1/4 gallon. – Comes in a wide variety of colors.

What is a Veiltail Betta?

The veil-tail betta has traditionally been the most popular tail type kept in ornamental aquariums. Veil-tail bettas are easily identified by their long, asymmetrical caudal fin, which naturally droops downward. The long tail gene, commonly designated as VT by breeders, is dominant and easy to breed.

How long do double tail betta fish live?

Because your fish is usually 6 months – 1 year old by the time you buy it, you can expect him to live for around two – two and a half years old. However, it’s not uncommon for Bettas to live until 4 or 5 years old if they are given the perfect tank conditions and cared for properly (more on this later).

Are female bettas aggressive?

Betta fish are known as Siamese fighting fish, and males will fight if kept with other male bettas—or sometimes even other types of fish that resemble bettas. Female bettas are less aggressive and can usually live in a community aquarium, but they too can exhibit aggressive tendencies, so must be closely monitored in …