
What does Mocho mean?

What does Mocho mean?

Wiktionary Translations for mocho: mocho. adjective. characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite.

How do you use Quizas?

Using El Subjuntivo or El Indicativo after tal vez and quizás to express doubt

  1. Using vivo en + [city/country/region] to say where you live.
  2. Using me llamo [name] – to say your name.
  3. Querer que is always followed by El Subjuntivo (present subjunctive)

What is IR in tu form?

Conjugating the Irregular Spanish Verb Ir (to Go)

Conjugation Translation
yo voy I go
tú vas You (informal) go
él/ella/ello/uno va He/she/one goes
usted va You (formal) go

What is the past tense of venir?


inglés él/ella/usted
Present Perfect I have come ha venido
Imperfect I was coming, used to come, came venía
Preterite I came vino
Past Perfect – Pluperfect I had come había venido

What is the present tense of etre in French?

Être Conjugation in the Present tense

Singular Plural
Je suis I am Nous sommes
Tu es You are Vous êtes
Il est He is Ils sont
Elle est She is Elles sont

How do you use etre in French?

We use être as a main verb in the following cases:

  1. with adjectives. Example: Tu es sympa. You are nice.
  2. to identify things/people (description, nationality, professions, …) Example: C’est Laura. Elle est française. Elle est professeur.
  3. for dates and times. Example: Aujourd’hui on est le 20 août. Il est 9 heures.