
What does meso mean in medical terminology?

What does meso mean in medical terminology?


What language is meso?

Meso-Melanesian languages

Geographic distribution Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Linguistic classification Austronesian Malayo-Polynesian Oceanic Western Oceanic Meso-Melanesian
Glottolog meso1253

What does Antero mean in medical terms?

Antero-: Prefix signifying before, earlier, front. From the Latin anterior meaning before.

What is Arthr?

arthr/o. Medical Definition of Arthro- Arthro-: A prefix meaning joint, as in arthropathy and arthroscopic. Before a vowel, it becomes arthr-, as in arthralgia and arthritis. From the Greek word arthron for joint.

What is the most common cause of osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis tends to occur in middle age or due to an injury or obesity. Sometimes called wear and tear arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis. When the smooth cushion between bones (cartilage) breaks down, joints can get painful, swollen and hard to move.

Is Arthro a combining form?

Save This Word! a combining form meaning “joint,” “jointed,” used in the formation of compound words: arthropod.

Which prefix means before or in front of?

​The prefix anti- means “before, in front of.”

What medical prefix means below?


What does Mr mean in law?


What’s the full meaning of Mr and Mrs?

Historically, you referred to men as “Mister” and used the feminine form “Mistress” for women, which didn’t reveal if a woman was married or not. Today, we use “Miss” for young girls or unmarried women. “Mrs.” is the abbreviation of “missus” and refers to married women.

Where did Mr come from?

The abbreviation Mr. comes from Middle English, where it was the abbreviation of maister, meaning “master.” Master was the original preferred title for young unmarried men, and mister was specific to those who were married, until the former fell out of use and the latter came to apply to both.

When was Mr first used?
