
What does Kaabil mean?

What does Kaabil mean?

Kaabil is a commonly used Urdu word which means able, capable or worthy. The word is actually pronounced with the first sound coming from the epiglottis, which is why the word is often spelled as qaabil also. Kaabil is the title of a 2017 film starring Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam, directed by Sanjay Gupta.

Is Qabil in English?

There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Qabil in English is Eligible, and in Urdu we write it قابل. The other meanings are Kisi Ohday Kay Qaabil, Intikhab, Ahal and Qabil. By form, the word Eligible is an adjective.

What is another word for eligible?

What is another word for eligible?

qualified suitable
likely preferable
satisfactory seemly
trained usable
capable of equal to

Can you use Urdu in a sentence?

Urdu sentence example The chief languages spoken are vernaculars of Baluchistan, Pushtu, Panjabi, Urdu and Sindhi. The chief languages of Berar are Marathi, Urdu , Gondi, Banjari, Hindi, Marwari, Telugu, Korku and Gujarati.

How can I type Urdu typing?

Urdu Typing Rules

  1. 1:- Turn the writing direction “right to left” by pressing the right “Ctrl+Shift” where ever you want to write Urdu.
  2. 2:- Please chose any proper Urdu font like “Jameel Noori Nastaleeq”.
  3. 3:- The rules for giving “Space” in “Urdu” are much like the rules for English.

What is the meaning of sentence in Urdu?

1) sentence Noun. A string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language. He always spoke in grammatical sentences. عبارت جملہ

How do you write Chahiye?

There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Chahiye in English is Maun, and in Urdu we write it چاہیئے. The other meanings are Chahiye. By form, the word Maun is an auxiliary verb, Scot. It is spelled as [mahn, mawn].

Should have meaning in Hindi with example?

Use of Should have in Hindi. ना चाहिए था . संकेत – कर्तव्य था लेकिन काम नहीं किया गया .

What do we call word in Urdu?

Translation is “Lafz” and Word synonym words Articulate, Bible, Book, Countersign and Discussion. Word meaning in Urdu is لفظ and Word word meaning in roman can write as Lafz. …

What is a verb in Urdu?

“Word that express action or presence is called verb” Or. “A verb is a word that shows an action of for saying something about some person or thing” ورب فعل کو کہتے ہے یعنی جب کسی کام کا کرنا یا ہونا ظاہر ہو تو اس کام کو ہی فعل یا ورب کہا جاتا ہے

What is a verb and example?

A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the hearts of English sentences. Examples: Jacob walks in the morning.

What type of verb is know?

know used as a verb: To be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered. “I know your mother, but I’ve never met your father.” To have knowledge of; to have memorised information, data, or facts about.

What is a verb of being?

In other words, a state-of-being verb identifies who or what a noun is, was, or will be. Although in English most being verbs are forms of to be (am, are, is, was, were, will be, being, been), other verbs (such as become, seem, appear) can also function as verbs of being.