
What does Jeepers mean?

What does Jeepers mean?

English Language Learners Definition of jeepers informal + old-fashioned —used to express surprise.

Is Jeepers a bad word?

You think you’re being utterly inoffensive when you use a wholesome curse word like jeepers or zounds. Minced oaths are often just a twist on a curse word’s usual pronunciation. They may be formed by misplacing the bad word with something that kind of rhymes or at least has some interesting alliteration.

What does Jeepers mean in text?

jeepers in American English (ˈdʒipərz ) US. interjection. used to express mild surprise or as a mild oath.

What creeper means?

1 : one that creeps: such as. a : a creeping plant. b : a bird (as of the family Certhiidae) that creeps about on trees or bushes searching for insects.

Is Mint a creeper or climber?

Mint is a perennial herb with squared, four-sided stems with opposite leaves and small-lipped flowers. All parts of the plants are pungent. Most mint plants spread rampantly, forming a thick mat of spreading stolons (creeping underground stems) just under the surface of the ground.

Is money plant a creeper or a climber?

Answer: The stem of money plant are thin, long and weak and spread on the ground. Thus it is called a creeper. Bean stalk, gourd plants and grape vines have weak stem but readily climbs up a neighbouring support or a tree.

Is Strawberry a climber or creeper?

Examples of trees : Mango, Neem, Banyan (Peepal), jamun, Palm, Teak, Oak, sandalwood and Coconut. Example of creeper : Money Plant and Strawberry.

Is cucumber creeper or climber?

The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around supports with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant may also root in a soilless medium, whereby it will sprawl along the ground in lieu of a supporting structure.

Is Sweet Potato a creeper?

Sweet potato is a very invasive creeper… But even though they can be a pain in the you know what if not managed (harvested regularly), you absolutely have to grow sweet potatoes!

Is Jasmine a climber or creeper?

Angel wing jasmine is an evergreen or semi-evergreen vine or shrub with sweetly fragrant, large, snow-white, pinwheel shaped flowers. The buds are purplish and the reddish purple color is retained on the sepals of the flowers….Angel wing jasmine – Creepers & Climbers.

Type: Creepers & Climbers
Weight: 2.0 kg

Is snake gourd poisonous?

Snake gourd possesses many vital trace minerals. Hence, excessive consumption is harmful, as it may result in toxic levels of these metallic elements accumulating in the system.

Is snake gourd a creeper?

Examples: Cucumber, Snake gourd, Morning glory, Grapes, Creepers: Some plants grow and spread on the ground. It is called creeper.

Why is snake gourd bitter?

Bitter taste in bitter gourd is due to a high levels of quinine in it. Curiously, fully mature snake gourds are tough enough to be turned into didgeridoos. Inside they contain a soft, red, tomato-like pulp that can be used as a tomato-substitute in cooking.

Is it good to eat bitter cucumber?

That bitter flavor in wild cucurbits — the family that includes cucumber, pumpkin, melon, watermelon and squash — is due to compounds called cucurbitacins. The bitter taste protects wild plants against predators.

Is snake gourd edible?

Like luffa gourds, snake gourds are eaten as a vegetable when very young, although they both taste rather bland. Curiously, fully mature snake gourds are tough enough to be turned into didgeridoos. Inside they contain a soft, red, tomato-like pulp that can be used as a tomato-substitute in cooking.

Is snake gourd high in potassium?

Diets rich in vegetables and fruits are also rich in potassium and this is another good reason to eat foods from that food group. In kidney diseases like renal failure potassium restriction may be narrated….

34 mg
860 mg

What is snake gourd?

1 or snake cucumber : Armenian cucumber. 2a : a gourd (Trichosanthes anguina) with long contorted green and white edible fruits that become bright orange when fully ripe. b : bottle gourd. c : dishcloth gourd.

Do we need to peel snake gourd?

1. Wash the snake gourd, and then trim the edges of the snake gourd as shown in fig1. 2. Peel the skin of the veggie using the peeler or sharp knife.

Can we eat egg after eating snake gourd?

And even egg, omelettes kuda chicken, mutton and pork tinetappudu avoid cheyadam manchidi. Reason: High saturated fat and proteins combination kalisthe ika anthe hard to digest and chances of food poisoning.

How do you clean and cut a snake gourd?


  1. Wash the veggie first.
  2. Then cut them into half vertically as shown below.
  3. Then cut each piece into half vertically.
  4. Then stack the cut pieces and slice the snakegourd into thin slices.
  5. Then chop them finely…..we chop it like this for poriyal / kootu / podimas.