
What does its uncanny mean?

What does its uncanny mean?

adjective. having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble.

What is a sentence for uncanny?

Uncanny sentence example. She has an uncanny way of sticking to pertinent details. He felt the uncanny sensation that she understood his tormented existence. I spent forty minutes alone with the director and related all the situations where your uncanny tips were involved.

What does your timing is impeccable mean?

The adjective impeccable describes something or someone without any flaws. A stand-up comedian needs impeccable timing for her jokes to work. The adjective impeccable refers to something or someone without marking or error — but it can describe something spotless or clean.

What is the meaning of perfect timing?

uncountable the skill or luck that is involved in doing something at the most suitable moment. perfect/good timing: The decision came, with perfect timing, just before his speech.

What is correct timing or timings?

timing. timings. Generally speaking, I would say that the plural form (‘timings’) would be used far less often than the singular (‘timing’).

What is the meaning of bad timing?

1. Definition (expr.) when a relationship fails because of life circumstances. Examples I met Jessica right after I broke up with Kristen, and I really wasn’t ready for a new relationship. Jessica’s a great girl, it was just bad timing.

What is another word for timing?

Timing Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for timing?

scheduling organisingUK
fixing a time for fixing up
orchestrating prearranging
regulating controlling

What means timing?

: the time when something happens or is done especially when it is thought of as having a good or bad effect on the result. : the ability to choose the best moment for some action, movement, etc. See the full definition for timing in the English Language Learners Dictionary. timing.6 hari lalu

What means not perfect?


What is the superlative form of perfect?

Adjective. perfect (comparative perfecter or more perfect, superlative perfectest or most perfect)

What is the superlative of fast?

Forming Comparative and Superlative Adverbs

Type of Adverb Example in the Positive Degree How to Form the Superlative
one syllable fast add est fastest
more than one syllable carefully add most or least most carefully
irregular badly well no rules worst best

What is the superlative degree of dirty?

dirty (comparative dirtier, superlative dirtiest) Unclean ; covered with or containing unpleasant substances such as dirt or grime .

Is more dirty correct?

Of the two alternatives, the first is correct: The dirtier and more dangerous, the better. The phrase ‘more dirty’ is simply incorrect.

What is the superlative of difficult?

Some rules about forming comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative
dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
difficult more difficult the most difficult
exciting more exciting the most exciting
ridiculous more ridiculous the most ridiculous

Can we use than in superlative degree?

Most adjectives have three different forms to show degrees of comparison—the positive, the comparative, and the superlative. The positive is used to describe one item, group, or person….Uses of superlative degree.

Incorrect Correct
It was Kalidas’s the best play. It was Kalidas’s best play.

What is the superlative degree of comfortable?

The word “than” is often used after the comparative form….Superlative Adjectives.

Superlative Adjectives: Structure
Basic Adjective Superlative Adjective
three or more syllables: • add the most + adjective comfortable the most comfortable

What is the superlative degree of new?

List of comparative superlative and adjectives from A to Z

Adjective Comparative Superlative
new newer newest
nice nicer nicest
noisy noisier noisiest
odd odder oddest

What are the 3 degree of comparison?

Adjectives have three degrees that compare one thing to another. The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative and superlative. The comparative and superlative degrees are used to compare between two or more subjects or objects.

What is the superlative degree of in?

Learn About Comparative and Superlatives at the Same Time

Word Comparative (or second degree of comparison)
free (adverb) freer
When an adjective or an adverb has more than one syllable (but beware exceptions like “silly” and “early”), place “more” in front (for the comparative) and “most” in front (for the superlative):

What does its uncanny mean?

What does its uncanny mean?

1 : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie, mysterious. 2 : being beyond what is normal or expected : suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers. Examples: Our waiter had an uncanny resemblance to the creepy villain in the film we had just seen.

What are examples of uncanny?

Examples of the Uncanny Examples of situations that can provoke an uncanny feeling include inanimate objects coming alive, thoughts appearing to have an effect in the real world, seeing your double (the doppelgänger effect), representations of death such as ghosts or spirits, and involuntary repetitions.

Can a person be uncanny?

Mysterious or impossible to explain, especially when causing uneasiness or astonishment. The definition of uncanny refers to something odd, mysterious or unexpected that makes you feel uneasy. An example of uncanny is when someone looks almost exactly like your spouse.

What did Freud mean by uncanny?

The uncanny is the psychological experience of something as strangely familiar, rather than simply mysterious. It may describe incidents where a familiar thing or event is encountered in an unsettling, eerie, or taboo context. For Freud, the uncanny locates the strangeness in the ordinary.

Is uncanny a bad word?

Pronunciation: ên-kæ-nee • Hear it! Meaning: Weird, eerie, striking in an almost supernatural way; so accurate as to seem not humanly possible. Notes: This word is now officially an orphan negative, a negative antonym of a word that no longer exists.

Is uncanny a positive word?

uncanny Add to list Share. If something is uncanny, it is so mysterious, strange, or unfamiliar that it seems supernatural. If you hear strange music echoing through your attic, you might refer to it as positively uncanny.

How do you use the word uncanny?

Uncanny in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Jeff is an uncanny man who likes to eat raw meat.
  2. When the psychic looked at the abandoned house, she had an uncanny sense that something bad had happened to the owner.
  3. My best friend Angela has the uncanny ability to know my thoughts before I speak.

Is canny the opposite of uncanny?

Both words mean smart or sharp-witted, but they also suggest that someone is smart in a self-serving and possibly even tricky way. Canny is also related to the word cunning — another adjective meaning “wise,” but with negative connotations. Uncanny is not the opposite of canny — it means “weird” or “unsettling.”

How do you use uncanny?

You can also use uncanny to refer to something that is so remarkable that it is beyond what is natural, as in “She has an uncanny ability to find her way around new places.” This adjective was formed in English from the prefix un-, “not,” and canny, “fortunate, safe.” The current meaning of English canny is “careful …

What is the synonym of uncanny?

The words eerie and weird are common synonyms of uncanny. While all three words mean “mysteriously strange or fantastic,” uncanny implies disquieting strangeness or mysteriousness.

Is uncanny a good word?

having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble. mysterious; arousing superstitious fear or dread; uncomfortably strange: Uncanny sounds filled the house.

What type of word is uncanny?

Are canny and uncanny related?

What is the best synonyms for uncanny?

synonyms for uncanny

  • unearthly.
  • unheard-of.
  • unnatural.
  • weird.
  • mystifying.
  • inexplainable.
  • supernormal.
  • supranormal.

Is uncanny the opposite of canny?