
What does it mean when someone says you float my boat?

What does it mean when someone says you float my boat?

float (one’s) boat To make someone happy. Often used in the phrase “whatever floats (one’s) boat.” A: “What do you want for dinner?” B: “Whatever floats your boat, I’m not even hungry.” I think this new job in the lab will really float Isabel’s boat.

Where does the phrase floats your boat come from?

“This term comes from the term “man in the boat,” the boat being a woman’s clitoris. Therefore, if “your boat is floating” you are very happy, hence, whatever floats your boat.”

Can boats float upside down?

Liquid can levitate and boats can float upside down in this gravity-defying physics experiment. They have discovered a peculiar phenomenon that allows lightweight objects to float on the bottom surface of this liquid, with a kind of reverse-buoyancy.

Can you make things levitate?

To levitate something just requires creating a standing wave. Think of it like this – if you’re watching a sound wave plotted out on a graph, it’ll be rolling along, going up and down as it oscillates.

How can a magnet float a pencil?

Fit the pencil tip into the dimple of your plastic trapezoid. Spread the magnets on the pencil to be above the magnets in your base board. You may have to adjust the magnets on the pencil so that the pencil will levitate.

How do you do the card trick?


  1. Shuffle the deck and memorize the bottom card. Make a show of shuffling your deck.
  2. Ask your audience member to pick a card.
  3. Cut the deck.
  4. Announce that you will now find your spectator’s card.
  5. Search for the original card you memorized.
  6. Reveal the card.

Does it sink of float?

The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in another substance. An object will float if it is less dense than the liquid it is placed in. An object will sink if it is more dense than the liquid it is placed in….

Object Density (g/cm3) Sink or Float
Orange 0.84 Float
Orange without peel 1.16 Sink

What is the difference between float and sink?

An object floats when the weight force on the object is balanced by the upward push of the water on the object. If the weight force down is larger than the upward push of the water on the object then the object will sink. If the reverse is true then the object will rise – rising is the opposite of sinking.

Does copper float water?

If it has a density less than 1 g/cm3, it will float. For example, a penny is made out of zinc (7.14 g/cm3) and copper (8.96 g/cm3) so it sinks in water. The density of a popsicle stick is around 0.75 g/cm3 so it floats in water.

Does a marshmallow sink or float?

It floats if it is less dense than water. When you drop a marshmallow in water, it floats like a balloon. A marshmallow is full of air bubbles, which puff it out. The sugar in the marshmallow gets spread out over a large area, making the marshmallow less dense than water.

Do marshmallows absorb liquid?

It turns out NO marshmallow does not dissolve in water, and neither does it in ethanol solution or cooking oil. In oil, the marshmallow is unchanged in volume, texture, and taste. However, something dissolves in water and Sake (probably since it has water in it).

Why do marshmallows float in hot chocolate?

As you might have guessed from the subject of this episode, the reason marshmallows float in hot chocolate is because of density. Marshmallows are less dense than hot chocolate so they float, whereas rocks are denser (and considerably less tasty) than hot chocolate, so they sink into the warm chocolatey goodness.

Do Peeps float?

Marshmallows are sugar based candy that is formed when sugar, gelatin and water are whipped until they are light and airy. It’s those tiny air bubbles that make the marshmallow less dense than the water and the marshmallow Peep floats!

What happens when you put a peep in vinegar?

The peep that had been in vinegar continued to break down and disintegrate, as it had become very squishy and not firm at all. White bubbles spread out all around the peep when pressure was applied. The peep that had been in soda was also very squishy.