
What does it mean when someone is indifferent?

What does it mean when someone is indifferent?

indifferent, unconcerned, incurious, aloof, detached, disinterested mean not showing or feeling interest. indifferent implies neutrality of attitude from lack of inclination, preference, or prejudice.

What does indifference mean in a relationship?

Indifference is not caring what the other person does in a relationship. There are no arguments, so everything may seem okay on the surface. Arguing stops because you don’t care if you were right or felt hurt by another person’s words or actions. But it’s not a relationship at that point anymore.

Is being indifferent a bad thing?

Not at all – indifference is important in contexts where getting all riled up about nothing would be pointless or even harmful. However, universal indifference can be dangerous. If you truly don’t care about anything in life, it implies you have absolutely no passion, ambition, or emotional connections.

Why is indifference the opposite of love?

It means that when you are indifferent towards something or someone you are acting just as unloving as someone who is acting out of hate. It means that when you come out of a deep, loving relationship with another person and you act with indifference towards them, it can hurt just as bad as ending it with hate.

What is the feeling of indifference?

Apathy is characterized by feelings of indifference and lack of emotion. 1 The term is often used to describe a lack of caring or concern, but in mental health contexts, this loss of interest in different aspects of life events is often a sign of a condition.

Is it OK to be indifferent?

It is good to be passionate about one or two things and it is okay to be indifferent to everything else. Indifference is simply the absence of feeling for or against. It is to say, “I’m simply not thinking about that right now. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know what I think about that.”

How do I stop being indifferent?

8 Ways To Stop Feeling Indifferent

  1. 1) Travel. Few things can fuel your inner fire like discovering fresh people, adventure, and experience.
  2. 2) Teach.
  3. 3) Create.
  4. 4) Connect.
  5. 5) Help.
  6. 6) Ask.
  7. 7) Read.
  8. 8) Write.

Why is indifference important?

And indifference can also help you sidestep things that seem important, but really aren’t, allowing you to focus on the few things that really matter.

How is indifference a punishment?

Aabha Mantri “Indifference then, is not only a sin, it is a punishment.” This quote means that if you don’t stand up for what you believe, then you are doing yourself and others nothing good. You should state your position even if others don’t agree. Maybe with what you say makes people change their opinion too….

What are the perils of indifference?

Throughout “The Perils of Indifference,” Elie Wiesel talks about how choosing to be indifferent to the suffering of others only leads to more suffering, more discrimination, and more grief—and it also threatens the very humanity of the people that are so busy being indifferent.

What is the purpose of the perils of indifference?

Purpose. The purpose of Wiesel’s speech is to persuade the audience not to be indifferent to victims of injustice and cruelty. The speaker hopes to accomplish compassion in the twenty-first century for those suffering injustices around the world….

What is the main idea of the perils of indifference speech?

The central theme of this speech is Wiesel’s claim that indifference is more dangerous than hatred. He sees indifference as a sin. He takes us back to the camps and brings us into the belief, shared with his fellow prisoners, that if only people knew what was happening they would intervene….

Is indifference more dangerous than anger and hatred?

Indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred. Anger can at times be creative. One writes a great poem, a great symphony, have done something special for the sake of humanity because one is angry at the injustice that one witnesses. But indifference is never creative.

What does indifference mean to Elie Wiesel?

no difference

What did Elie Wiesel say about indifference?

Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always a friend to the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor – never his victim. In 1944 Elie Wiesel, along with his family, was taken to Auschwitz extermination camp….

Where was perils of indifference delivered?

the White House

What was the occasion for the perils of indifference speech?

In April 1999, The President of the United States Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary invited distinguished intellectuals to speak in a series of speeches held in the White House on the occasion of the turn of the millennium….

What has Elie done with his anger how can he not hate?

What has Elie done wit his anger? How can he not hate? He uses his words to shout with anger- he wrote books. He can’t hate because before the war, he was too busy studying to hate.

Why is Elie angry with God?

He’s angry at God for his treatment of the Jews. He blames God for creating the concentration camps and choosing the jews to be slaughtered. Elie’s father had forbidden him from fasting for fear that he would die, and Elie himself chose to eat in as act of rebellion against God.

What kept Elie from giving up and dying?

What is it that keeps Elie from giving up and falling out of line during the evacuation? The only thing that stops Elie from falling out of line and just letting himself die was the presence of his father. He was his father’s sole support, and Elie’s father was Elie’s sole support.

How did Elie Wiesel do with cope with his anger?

what does Wiesel do with his anger? “:I write and i teach and my goal in both cases is to sensitize the reader or student.”` “I can’t do anything except use my words to shout.” It means his words can alert and educate society of these horrors of suffering and inhumane.