
What does it mean when someone is attentive?

What does it mean when someone is attentive?

1 : mindful, observant attentive to what he is doing. 2 : heedful of the comfort of others : solicitous an attentive waitress.

What does alerting mean?

(ə-lûrt′) adj. 1. Vigilantly attentive; watchful: alert to danger; an alert bank guard. See Synonyms at careful.

How do you use the word attentive?

Attentive sentence example

  1. He was attentive and understanding.
  2. The boy seemed attentive in spite of his muteness so Dean resumed sweeping up needles with his hand and continued to chatter.
  3. He set down his box and smiled at his attentive audience.
  4. But your cousin, Drubetskoy, is also very attentive to her.

What are synonyms for alert?

other words for alert

  • active.
  • bright.
  • observant.
  • perceptive.
  • wary.
  • watchful.
  • wired.
  • wise.

What’s the opposite of alert?

What is the opposite of alert?

asleep inattentive
neglectful careless
drowsy sleepy
unwatchful unobservant
ignorant thoughtless

Whats the opposite of alert?

Antonyms: unalert, unvigilant, incognizant, lethargic, unenrgetic, unwatchful, unaware. Synonyms: alarm, warning signal, alarum, alerting, qui vive. alert, alerting(noun)

What does barricade mean?

noun. Definition of barricade (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : an obstruction or rampart thrown up across a way or passage to check the advance of the enemy. b : barrier sense 1a. 2 : barrier sense 3, obstacle.

How is this even possible meaning?

It’s a sarcastic comment saying that something is impossible. Example: 1.) I want to fly, if that’s even possible.

How do you ask for a polite request?

Here are some better phrases to make polite requests in English:

  1. “Do you mind…?.”
  2. “Would you mind…?
  3. “Could I…?”
  4. “Would it be ok if…?”
  5. “Would it be possible…?”
  6. “Would you be willing to…?”

What’s another word for possible?

What is another word for possible?

feasible achievable
practicable viable
attainable realisableUK
realizableUS workable
doable manageable

What is another word for positive?

What is another word for positive?

certain confident
convinced assured
clear unfaltering
doubtless persuaded
satisfied unwavering

How do you hate someone you see everyday?

Create an artificial “moving away” experience to distance yourself.

  1. Take a different route when you come into the work environment.
  2. Work around a person’s daily routine so you don’t cross paths.
  3. Sit across the room or out of sight in class.
  4. Do what you have to in order to create space between you and the person.