
What does it mean when a man leans against a wall?

What does it mean when a man leans against a wall?

It highlights the genitals, giving him a macho-looking attitude. He may also turn his body towards you, point his foot at you and hold your gaze for longer than usual. When he’s seated or leaning against a wall, he may spread his legs to display his crotch.

What is the meaning of leaning against?

1. To bend or slant away from the vertical. 2. To incline the weight of the body so as to be supported: leaning against the doorpost.

Which preposition is used with lean?

Depending on the preposition or adverb used, lean has more than one meaning. Herbert leaned (inclined) his rake against the fence and then leaned (rested) against the old oak tree. The gambler tossed down his cards and leant (tilted) back in his chair.

What does the phrase lean in mean?

Lean in means to grab opportunities without hesitation. An older meaning for lean in is to incline into something, such as a skier leaning in at a turn or pedestrian leaning in to the wind during a heavy gale. In 2013, Sheryl Sandburg published a book called Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead.

How do you use lean in a sentence?

Lean sentence example

  1. He was lean and agile.
  2. He looked tall and lean in a dark suit.
  3. She glanced at his lean hips.
  4. Right now Destiny and Jonathan need someone strong to lean on.
  5. Sasha was lean and pale, his gaze turquoise.
  6. And I’ll start cooking lean and mean Dean specials.

Does Lean Mean Skinny?

If you describe someone as lean, you mean that they are thin but look strong and healthy. Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular. If meat is lean, it does not have very much fat. It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender.

What does lean mean for food?

“Lean” and “Extra lean” are used to describe the fat content of meat, poultry, seafood, and game meats. “Lean” means the food has less than 10 grams of fat, less than 4 grams saturated fat and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per serving and per 100 grams.

What is a lean in business?

Simply stated, a Lean business is a business that maximizes value while minimizing waste. A Lean business model focuses on improving processes across the value stream in order to eliminate waste and deliver optimized value to the customer.

What months are peak season?

On a very general level, you can roughly say that peak season is summer—which is June–August in the northern hemisphere and November–February in the southern hemisphere. The Christmas and New Year’s holidays are also peak seasons in many parts of the world.

What is peak travel time?

Peak fares – Monday to Friday (not on public holidays) between 06:30 and 09:30, and between 16:00 and 19:00. Off-peak fares – at all other times and if you travel from a station outside Zone 1 to a station in Zone 1 between 16:00 and 19:00, Monday to Friday.

What month is peak season in Philippines?

Low season is the rainy season, around June to August. High season starts from Nov to April. March and April are also the summer months in the Philippines.

What is a peak period?

peak period in British English (piːk ˈpɪərɪəd) the busiest or most popular time.

How do you use peak in a sentence?

  1. The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.
  2. She’s at the peak of her career.
  3. Holiday flights reach a peak during August.
  4. The mountain peak loomed through the fog.
  5. She was at the peak of her popularity.
  6. The mountain turns around,(http://sentencedict.com/peak.html) but towards the peak extension.

What does it mean when someone grows fond of you?

1fond of somebody feeling affection for someone, especially someone you have known for a long time Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her.

What does it mean when a girl says she is fond of you?

You are romantically attracted to someone. ” I’m really fond of the girl in the coffee shop — she’s so funny every time I talk to her.” Usually you would say “fond” instead of a stronger word because you think it’s inappropriate to be attracted to that person (maybe they’re much younger than you, or already married).

What does not fond mean?

1 postpositive; foll by: of predisposed (to); having a liking (for) 2 loving; tender. a fond embrace. 3 indulgent; doting.