What does it mean when a guinea pig whines?

What does it mean when a guinea pig whines?

Whining: A whining or moaning type of squeak can communicate annoyance or dislike for something you or another guinea pig is doing. Chirping: This sounds just like a bird chirping and is perhaps the least understood (or heard) noise that guinea pigs make.

What noise do guinea pigs make when in pain?


Do guinea pigs get jealous?

Your guinea pigs will get jealous if they find that they are not treated more importantly. They can be suspicious of anybody, like your human mates, babies, or even each other. Guinea pigs react in anger if they do not get attention to their demand.

Can you train a guinea pig to use a litter box?

Guinea pigs can be trained to go to the bathroom in a litter box. Some get the hang of it quickly, while some never learn. Just remember that it’s not your guinea pig’s fault if they poop outside the litter box – sometimes they can have accidents or simply forget.

Do guinea pig poop a lot?

Yes, it is very normal for guinea pigs to poop a lot, in fact, if you see your guinea popping less, then it might be a problem. As you know, guinea pigs eat all day and due to that, they poop more than other animals. A healthy guinea pig won’t only eat a lot of hay and veggies but it will eat everything you provide.

Why do guinea pigs pee on you?

Probably the main reason guinea pigs pee on people has to do with whether or not they can hold it, but perhaps some of the same reasons guinea pigs spray each other also might hold true with peeing on people. Additionally, if a guinea pig isn’t a big fan of being held, he or she might resort to peeing to get released.

Can I let my guinea pig run around the house?

Guinea pigs love having a big area to roam around in In the case of small children, it’s fine for them to go in as long as they’re properly supervised, and don’t chase the animals around.

Should I get 2 guinea pigs or 1?

How to introduce guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are social pets and are therefore best kept in groups of two or more. This enables them to express their natural behaviour, and allows for all of their social needs to be met.

Can you walk a guinea pig on a leash?

You can “walk” a guinea pig on a leash, but don’t try to get your guinea pig to go for outdoor walks. Unlike dogs and cats, cavies cannot successfully learn to go for leashed walks. Do not take your guinea pig onto a sidewalk in an attempt to get him to walk like your neighbor’s miniature poodle.

How often should you bathe a guinea pig?

Guinea pigs only need to be bathed once a month in the summer, and every two months in the winter. This is unless your pet needs of an anti-parasite bath, or if you’ve been told by a vet to bathe them more frequently. In general, too much bathing puts the animals at risk of skin infections and chills.