What does it mean to spare someone?

What does it mean to spare someone?

spare someone something. to exempt someone from having to listen to or experience something. I’ll spare you the details and get to the point.

What does spare your feelings mean?

: to avoid doing or saying something that will hurt someone emotionally : to avoid upsetting someone He admitted that he hadn’t told me the whole story because he wanted to spare my feelings.

Can you spare me some time meaning?

“Please spare me a few minutes,” means “set aside a few minutes for me.” It can be used sarcastically, “Spare me the details” in other words, save it and tell it to someone else, I don’t want to hear about it.

What is spare my life?

: to choose not to kill someone No one knows why he spared their lives.

What is another word for spare time?

What is another word for spare time?

downtime free time
leisure time time off
one’s own time respite
leisure time out
break pause

What’s the opposite of spare?

What is the opposite of spare?

charitable freehanded
unsparing unstinting
unselfish free
benevolent magnanimous
altruistic bighearted

What does spare time mean?

: the time when one is not working : free time He likes to ski in his spare time.

What is the example of spare?

He wanted to spare his family from the stress he had endured. I could have spared myself the trouble. He spared them the embarrassment of a public apology. If you could spare a cup of sugar, it would save me a trip to the store.

What does spare tire mean?

extra tire

What does free time mean?

free time – time available for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy. spare time. time off – a time period when you are not required to work; “he requested time off to attend his grandmother’s funeral”

What should I do with my spare time?

Best Things to do in Your Free Time:

  1. Be an active volunteer for an NGO:
  2. Settle your house:
  3. Sign up for a dance class:
  4. Go for a walk or a jog:
  5. Visit some historical monuments in your city:
  6. Start a blog about something to do that interests you:
  7. Read a good book:
  8. Find a hobby for yourself:

How do you spend your free time meaningfully?

7 Ways Successful People Spend Their Free Time

  1. They Exercise. Physical exercise is important for both physical and mental health.
  2. They Read. Reading is a lifelong skill, and successful people never stop reading new books.
  3. They Take Classes.
  4. They Volunteer.
  5. They Network.
  6. They Have Hobbies.
  7. They Spend Time With Friends and Family.

Is it bad to have too much free time?

So what’s up with having too much free time? Well, the danger is that you can end up in bed at home with nothing to do. Having too much free time comes with a string of disadvantages such as boredom, procrastination, anxiety and even depression. It can lead to bad habit making, lack of focus as well as discipline.

What happens when a person spends too much time alone?

Spending too much time alone increases the risk of suicide for young and old alike. Lonely individuals report higher levels of perceived stress even when exposed to the same stressors as non-lonely people, and even when they are relaxing. Loneliness raises levels of stress hormones and blood pressure.

What do people do in their free time?

But many enjoy spending their free time doing things like shopping, going to parties, being with friends, gaming and using social media, texting, watching movies, reading and going to the beach or park.

How many hours of free time does the average American have?

5 hours

How many hours of free time should you have?

Wallman estimates that American adults have about 36 to 40 hours of “free” time in a week. (This tracks with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2018 American Time Use Survey, which found that men and women spend 5.7 and 4.9 hours of time respectively on leisure activities each day.

How many hours per day should I relax?

The sweet spot? Four to five hours of downtime daily. The survey also found that most people would rather have more free time than more money and wouldn’t give up one second for one cent. The time of day spent on leisure affected people’s enjoyment of it too.

How long is an average person’s day?

Approximately 5 hours

How many hours are we awake in a day?


What does the average person do 13 times a day?

Answer: Laugh.

How many hours a week are we awake?

When you stop to think about it, there are only (24 * 7=)168 hours in a week. If you sleep 8 hours a night or so that’s (8 * 7=)56 sleeping hours for a total of (168-56=)112 waking hours per week.

How much sleep is too much?

How Much Sleep Is Too Much? Sleep needs can vary from person to person, but in general, experts recommend that healthy adults get an average of 7 to 9 hours per night of shuteye. If you regularly need more than 8 or 9 hours of sleep per night to feel rested, it might be a sign of an underlying problem, Polotsky says.