
What does it mean to not have class?

What does it mean to not have class?

When someone says another has no class, it means they think that person is crass, rude, or acting outside the boundaries of the lowest socially acceptable behavior. Describing someone as having no class means they dress, live or behave in a manner that is below even the lowest income people in society.

What is class in a person?

Having class involves good manners, politeness, pride without showboating, empathy, humility, and an abundance of self-control. The actions of class-act people speak louder than their words. You can see it in their body language and the way they carry themselves. Class always shows without being announced.

What does yolk mean in Ireland?

In Irish slang, the word ‘yoke’ doesn’t have anything to do with eggs. Instead, it’s another way of saying ‘thing’. So if someone in Ireland sees an object that they’ve never seen before, they will commonly be heard to ask, ‘What’s that yoke there?

What does soused mean in slang?

adjective. Slang. Stupefied, excited, or muddled with alcoholic liquor: besotted, crapulent, crapulous, drunk, drunken, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, sodden, tipsy.

What does Sogging mean?

: thoroughly our clothes were sogging wet.

What does Miasmic mean?

adjective. 1literary Producing an unpleasant smell; noxious. ‘that peculiarly miasmic atmosphere generated by small boys and adolescent teenagers’

What causes miasma?

Miasma was considered to be a poisonous vapor or mist filled with particles from decomposed matter (miasmata) that caused illnesses. The miasmatic position was that diseases were the product of environmental factors such as contaminated water, foul air, and poor hygienic conditions.

Can impudence ever be a good quality?

Yes, impudence can sometimes be a good quality. Impudence can be good for holding your ground in a tough situation, where someone weak may give in and give everything to someone, where someone stronger with the ability to be impudent can defend themselves, which can save lives.

What is the strike price of a Warrant?

Strike price or exercise price – The guaranteed price at which the warrant or option buyer has the right to buy the underlying asset from the seller (technically, the writer of the call). “Exercise price” is the preferred term with reference to warrants.