
What does it mean to be smooth?

What does it mean to be smooth?

To be smooth is to be skilled at social interactions, to be capable of charming others and persuading them to see your point of view or comply with your wishes with seemingly little effort or opposition.

What does it mean for a guy to be smooth?

If a man is considered ‘a smooth guy’ or is ‘a smooth talking guy’ , then it means that he talks confidently to charm and compliment another person, often someone he ‘fancies’ (to fancy = to find attractive). It can sometimes mean that he is not fully sincere, but not necessarily.

How do you say someone is smooth?

Synonyms of ‘smooth-talking’

  1. slick.
  2. suave.
  3. glib. He is full of glib excuses for his past mistakes.
  4. ingratiating. His fellow students had found him too ingratiating.
  5. sycophantic. his clique of sycophantic friends.
  6. unctuous. the kind of unctuous tone that I’ve heard at diplomatic parties.
  7. obsequious.
  8. smarmy (informal)

What is opposite word of smooth?

Opposite of having an even surface with no roughness, bumps, or holes. rough. uneven. agitated. bumpy.

Is more frequently proper grammar?

Answer and Explanation: The phrase ”more frequently” is proper grammar if used in an appropriate way.

Which is correct quicker or more quickly?

“Quicker” and “more quickly” are both acceptable comparative forms of the adverb “quickly.” However, as some of your grammar-savvy readers might think “quicker” is an error or too informal, you should opt for “more quickly” (unless your writing would really benefit from the flow of text offered by “quicker”).

What things happen quickly?

The definition of swift is something that happens quickly or something that moves at high speed. Moving with speed, rapidity or swiftness.

What do you call it when something unexpected happens?

unforeseen, unanticipated, unpredicted, not bargained for, unlooked for, unhoped for, out of the blue, without warning, without notice. chance, fortuitous, unplanned, serendipitous, adventitious. sudden, abrupt, surprising, startling, astonishing, uncommon, abnormal, extraordinary.

How fast is immediately?

Scientists have measured how long it takes to travel somewhere ‘in an instant’ – at least 10,000 times the speed of light, to be precise.

What is expected and unexpected news?

The difference between Expected and Unexpected When used as adjectives, expected means anticipated, whereas unexpected means not expected, anticipated or foreseen. check bellow for the other definitions of Expected and Unexpected. Expected as an adjective: Anticipated; thought to be about to arrive or occur.

What does unexpected luck mean?

If you find good things without looking for them, serendipity — unexpected good luck — has brought them to you. The meaning of the word, good luck in finding valuable things unintentionally, refers to the fairy tale characters who were always making discoveries through chance.