
What does it mean to be cosmic?

What does it mean to be cosmic?

adjective. of or relating to the cosmos: cosmic laws. characteristic of the cosmos or its phenomena: cosmic events. immeasurably extended in time and space; vast. forming a part of the material universe, especially outside of the earth.

What is another word for cosmic?

In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cosmic, like: universal, global, limited, vast, empyrean, immense, catholic, primordial, cosmos, huge and infinite.

How do you use cosmic in a sentence?

Cosmic in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The cosmic medical discovery is going to save millions of lives.
  2. Because the fire was cosmic in size, nearly every fire department in the city responded to the blaze.
  3. My sister is a drama queen who acts as though my tardiness is a cosmic event that will ruin her entire life.

What does Extramundane mean?

beyond the material world

What is the meaning of Eldritch?

: strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear : weird, eerie And the woman, whose voice had risen to a kind of eldritch singsong, turned with a skip, and was gone.—

What does inexplicable mean?

: incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for an inexplicable disappearance.

What is the difference between unexplainable and inexplicable?

“Something is ‘unexplainable’ means that it cannot be explained. That does not necessarily mean that it does not have an explanation – we just don’t know what the explanation is. ‘Inexplicable’ means that it does not have an explanation at all.”

Is Inexplainable a word?

adjective. not explainable; incapable of being explained; inexplicable.

How do you spell inexplicable?

adjective. not explicable; incapable of being accounted for or explained.

What is the definition of distinctive?

: having a quality or characteristic that makes a person or thing different from others : different in a way that is easy to notice. : appealing or interesting because of an unusual quality or characteristic. See the full definition for distinctive in the English Language Learners Dictionary. distinctive.

Which word is most closely related to the meaning of inexplicable?

Herein, what is the synonym of inexplicable? SYNONYMS. unaccountable, unexplainable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable, insoluble, unsolvable, baffling, puzzling, perplexing, mystifying, bewildering, mysterious, strange, weird, abstruse, enigmatic.

Is Chaoticism a word?

Noun. [The state] of being [chaotic] or [unruly].

What is the synonym of enigmatic?

Some common synonyms of enigmatic are ambiguous, cryptic, dark, equivocal, obscure, and vague. While all these words mean “not clearly understandable,” enigmatic stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality.

How do you use inexplicable in a sentence?

Inexplicable sentence example

  1. Inexplicable anger at the politician surged through her.
  2. Maybe he sought her out for some inexplicable reason.
  3. At any rate this hypothesis suggests an explanation of many hitherto inexplicable facts.
  4. We have also the inner sense of consciousness which is inexplicable by body alone.

What does indistinct mean?

: not distinct: such as. a : not sharply outlined or separable : blurred indistinct figures in the fog. b : faint, dim an indistinct light in the distance. c : not clearly recognizable or understandable : uncertain.

What does it mean to live in the past?

: to think too much about something that happened in the past You have to accept that he’s gone and stop living in the past.

Why should we not dwell on the past?

Negative thoughts can slowly kill your health. Studies show people who tend to dwell on the past regularly have a worse health than those who live in the present. Living in the past can lead to a chronic stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, obesity and anorexia.

How does the past shape our future?

Our past shapes our future because it defines and redefines our perception of the world. For example instead of seeing all hour failures as proves that you are not worthy, interpret them as useful, experiences for your future choices or acts.

Does the past determine your future?

It is true that your current life is, to a large extent, the result of your past actions, choices and experiences. The great news, however, is that your future is determined by how you act in the present moment.