
What does it mean to be a conqueror?

What does it mean to be a conqueror?

: one who conquers : one who wins a country in war, subdues or subjugates a people, or overcomes an adversary The year 1570 brought yet another conqueror, the Ottoman Empire.—

How do you use conquer?

Conquer sentence example

  1. You will conquer the worlds.
  2. Does love really conquer all?
  3. We will conquer them and return here, once we have created an army.
  4. If only she could conquer these mood shifts.
  5. She’d never thought desire could conquer her normally rigid self-control.
  6. Love would conquer all.

What is another word for conquered?

Some common synonyms of conquer are defeat, overcome, overthrow, reduce, subdue, and vanquish.

What’s the opposite of conquer?

What is the opposite of conquer?

lose capitulate
abdicate concede
relent relinquish
succumb surrender
yield abandon

Is conquering the same as stealing?

In Conquered lands the people are subject to rule by the conquerors. In stolen lands, the resident people are forced out and have to live somewhere else.

Does bluffing mean lying?

While one could argue differences in definition (a lie is a simply stated falsehood, whereas a bluff is deception regarding one’s abilities). Both are really about speaking falsely, saying an untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive. And both can be for good or bad purpose.

What does unseemly mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : not seemly: such as. a : not according with established standards of good form or taste unseemly bickering. b : not suitable for time or place : inappropriate, unseasonable.

What does it mean to behave unseemly?

Something that is inappropriate or unacceptable behavior is unseemly. It’s a gentler, somewhat nicer word for “inappropriate” than its synonyms, the “in” words: “indecent, indecorous, indelicate, inelegant, inept” — well, you get the idea.

What is the meaning of improper?

not proper; not strictly belonging, applicable, correct, etc.; erroneous: He drew improper conclusions from the scant evidence. not in accordance with propriety of behavior, manners, etc.: improper conduct at a funeral. unsuitable or inappropriate, as for the purpose or occasion: improper attire for a formal dance.

What does brandished a gun mean?

Brandishing means showing the weapon, or exhibiting it to another person, “in a rude, angry or threatening manner” or using it in a “fight or quarrel.” One does not need to point the weapon at the other person. In fact, the other person does not even need to see the weapon for this crime to take place.

Is brandishing illegal?

California Penal Code Section 417 – Brandishing a Weapon or Firearm. This statute makes it unlawful to publicly exhibit or draw a deadly weapon in the presence of another person in a rude, angry, or threatening manner that was not in a situation of self-defense or defense of another person.

Can you pull a gun on a trespasser?

So in most states, the only time you could threaten a trespasser with a weapon is if you reasonably believed that he was trying to kill you. It’s also worth noting that you should never pull out a weapon with the intention of threatening someone with it.

Can you brandish a weapon on your own property?

Brandishing a weapon for the purpose of threatening another person is an assault regardless of where it occurs. If however you brandish a weapon in response to what a reasonable person would consider a threat then the action would not be an assault but an act of deterence or self defense.

Can I answer my front door with a gun?

It’s considered brandishing a firearm. Unless you want the person seeing it to call the police and create a little “incident” on your front porch I’d say keep your weapon hidden from plain view. Avoid the temptation to replace everything on your brand-new 1911 just to make it “better”.

Can you hold a trespasser at gunpoint?

Under California Penal Code sec. 198.5 , if someone enters your home, you can presume that your life is in imminent danger and you can use deadly force against the intruder. In your own home, you would have no duty to retreat in California.