
What does humdinger mean?

What does humdinger mean?

: a striking or extraordinary person or thing That was one humdinger of a storm. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about humdinger.

What is a lulu?

slang. : one that is remarkable or wonderful a lulu of a performance.

What is the root word for origin?

The root, start, or birth of something is its origin. The origin of the word origin is the Latin word originem, meaning “rise, beginning, or source.”

What origin means?

origin, source, inception, root mean the point at which something begins its course or existence. origin applies to the things or persons from which something is ultimately derived and often to the causes operating before the thing itself comes into being.

Which is the closest synonym for the word origin?


  • beginning, start, origination, genesis, birth, dawning, dawn, emergence, inception, launch, creation, birthplace, cradle, early stages, conception, inauguration, foundation, outset.
  • source, basis, base, cause, root, roots, spring, mainspring, well head, fountainhead, fountain, fount, head, seat, seed, germ.
  • fons et origo.

What is another name for Origin?

What is another word for origin?

source beginning
birth foundation
root start
creation dawning
genesis launch

Is skedaddle a real word?

SKIDADDLE, often spelled skedaddle, is a word that has been bothering Jack Morrison of Sandymount, late of New York, as the country hairdressers used to say in their advertisements. The word’s history is what intrigues Mr M.

Why was Ireland neutral in ww2?

Ireland remained neutral during World War II. De Valera stated in his wartime speeches that small states should stay out of the conflicts of big powers; hence Ireland’s policy was officially “neutral”, and the country did not publicly declare its support for either side.