What does hidden dip sign mean?

What does hidden dip sign mean?

In this case it’s a hidden dip. This dip could be severe enough to bottom out your suspension and that could cause your car damage and, worse, cause you to leave the road. Slow down because the bridge will probably be steep enough that you risk your wheels leaving the road if you are going too fast.

What is soft shoulder sign mean?

Soft shoulder means that the pavement transitions into gravel/dirt at the shoulder. If your car goes off of the pavement and hits the soft shoulder, you could lose control of your car. If you do happen to meander onto the soft shoulder, make sure you gradually return to the pavement.

What does the 235 Texas sign mean?

know that Texas Highway 235 runs right and left ahead.

What does a yellow arrow sign mean?

The flashing yellow arrow signal means that are you allowed to turn in the direction of the arrow after yielding to all pedestrians in crosswalks and vehicles lawfully within the intersection. Unlike the green arrow (protected turn), traffic from the opposite direction is not stopped by a red light.

What does it mean if you hear sirens?

-Sirens mean severe weather is imminent or already occurring. You should actively seek severe weather information once you hear there is a possible threat of severe weather (such as a severe weather watch) and not wait until you hear a siren or other “risk signal” to act.

What distractions can cause a collision?

The most common causes of distracted driving

  • Talking and texting. People who use their cell phones to talk or text while driving are by far the most common reason for distracted driving accidents.
  • GPS.
  • Adjusting music or controls.
  • Applying makeup.
  • Talking to passengers.
  • Not looking at the road.
  • Handling children or pets.
  • Zoning out.

Why does a stop sign have 8 sides?

The unique eight-sided shape of the sign allows drivers facing the back of the sign to identify that oncoming drivers have a stop sign and prevent confusion with other traffic signs. It was also chosen so that it could be identified easily at night since the original signs were not reflective.

What color was the first stop sign?


Who invented the stop sign?

William Phelps Eno

Does yellow light mean yield?

A yield sign calls on the driver to do the following: Slow down, defer to oncoming or intersecting traffic, stop when necessary, proceed when safe, and remain aware of oncoming vehicles. A flashing yellow light has the same meaning as a yield sign.

What does yellow mean on traffic lights?

YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop, if you can do so safely. If you can’t stop, look out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes.

What does a yellow flashing light mean?

Any flashing yellow signal means drivers are to slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution.