What does Fiening mean?

What does Fiening mean?

Also feen [feen] . Slang. to desire greatly: just another junkie fiending after his next hit;As soon as I finish a cigarette I’m fiending to light another.

Does hunker down mean?

chiefly US. 1 : to lower the body to the ground by bending the legs The hikers hunkered down under a cliff until the storm passed. 2 : to stay in a place for a period of time The leaders hunkered down at a country estate for difficult peace negotiations.

What is the definition of unvanquished truth?

Chapter 1, page 1; Unvanquished means, or I believe it means, complete truth without obstruction. Max explains how he is telling us, “The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” to which he says that Freak would call the unvanquished truth. Unvanquished-to conquer or subdue by superior force, as in battle.

Why do we use the word of?

We use of when we want to show that people or things relate to other things or people. For example, when we want to say that something or someone belongs to or is a part of something or someone else, we can do it like this: Tiffany stared at the floor of her room.

What is the meaning of Tagalog?

Tagalog is defined as a dialect of a group of people who live in the Manila area of the Philippine Islands. An example of Tagalog is a person born in Manila. An example of Tagalog is one of the languages of the Philippines.

What does Jowa mean in Tagalog?

Jowa (jo-wah) / boyfriend or girlfriend Jowa is a Filipino slang word used when referring to a friend’s significant other. A closely related slang word is syota (sho-tah) which has a stigma attached to it since it originates from the Filipino phrase for “short time,” implying the relationship isn’t a serious one.

What are the culture of Filipino?

The culture of the Philippines comprises a blend of traditional Filipino and Spanish Catholic traditions, with influences from America and other parts of Asia. The Filipinos are family oriented and often religious with an appreciation for art, fashion, music and food.

What is the culture of Filipino family?

Filipino Culture. The family is the center of the social structure and includes the nuclear family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and honorary relations such as godparents, sponsors, and close family friends often called aunts and uncles though they are not. People get strength and stability from their family.