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What does feeling decent mean?

What does feeling decent mean?

Decent, pronounced “DEE-sent,” means “socially acceptable.” It’s also an old fashioned way to say “polite.” These days if you ask someone if she’s decent, you probably don’t care if she went to finishing school, you’re just wondering if she’s dressed so you can come in. Decent can also mean good but not excellent.

What does decent mean in text?

Good, awesome

What is the meaning of decent family?

conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc., as in behavior or speech. respectable; worthy: a decent family.

What is decent time?

Decent means reasonable in this case. When placed with time–that is “decent time”–a decent time usually means the earliest (or maybe convenient) time or the time you are willing to stay until. Getting home at a decent (or reasonable) time.

How do you use the word decent?

Decent sentence example

  1. You can’t be decent for two seconds, can you?
  2. She looked decent in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.
  3. You’re being decent right now.
  4. Looks like you could use a decent meal.
  5. Oh, and wear something decent this time.
  6. Still, sometimes he’s decent enough that I think there’s more to him.

What is the meaning of decent cloth?

They don’t break the law, behave rudely, use impolite language, or wear inappropriate clothing. Decent can also mean “nice”: Holding the door for a woman with a stroller is the decent thing to do. Lastly, decent can also mean “appropriately clothed” (or just “not naked”).

What does decent mean in law?

descent. n. the rules of inheritance established by law in cases in which there is no will naming the persons to receive the possessions of a person who has died. The rules of descent vary somewhat from state to state and will usually be governed by the law of the state in which the deceased party lived.

What is a dissenting voice?

adjective disagreeing, protesting, opposing, conflicting, differing, dissident There were dissenting voices.

What does a judge’s dissent mean?

A dissenting opinion (or dissent) is an opinion in a legal case in certain legal systems written by one or more judges expressing disagreement with the majority opinion of the court which gives rise to its judgment. When not necessarily referring to a legal decision, this can also be referred to as a minority report.

What is another word for dissenting?

What is another word for dissenting?

dissident heretical
heretic disagreeing
protesting opposing
differing conflicting
out-there schismatic

What does feeling decent mean?

What does feeling decent mean?

1 : marked by moral integrity, kindness, and goodwill hard-working and decent folks it’s very decent of them to help. 2a : conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality decent behavior. b : modestly clothed.

What does decent mean in slang?

Decent is just another way of saying great, super, or to describe a totally crazy stunt! Groovy was used in the 60’s and 70’s, radical and awesome in the 80’s and cool was used after that. Decent, is just another way of saying all of these slang terms.

Does decent mean good?

Decent is an adjective that means adequate or suitable, as in a decent meal, or good or respectable, as in a decent person.

Is decent a positive word?

Decent is rather neutral, really. Not especially good, but not bad either.

What does it mean if a guy calls you decent?

you could say that but it usually means “satisfactory, sufficient” things like that. you can call someone decent if you’re talking to another person about them, but it would be awkward if you said it to their face. See a translation.

Is decent better than good?

As adjectives the difference between decent and good is that decent is (obsolete) appropriate; suitable for the circumstances while good is acting in the interest of good; ethical.

Is decent better than okay?

As adjectives the difference between okay and decent is that okay is see while decent is (obsolete) appropriate; suitable for the circumstances.

What does a decent woman mean?

The definition of decent is someone or something that is respectable, modest, proper, or fair and kind. An example of decent is using appropriate language in a formal setting. An example of decent is woman wearing a top that doesn’t show cleavage to a job interview.

What is another meaning for decent?

adjective. reasonable, adequate, ample, fair, passable, satisfactory, sufficient, tolerable. respectable, chaste, decorous, modest, proper, pure. proper, appropriate, becoming, befitting, fitting, seemly, suitable.

What does it mean if a girl calls you decent?

It means quite Handsome..or Normal Good looking guy.

What does decent mean in a relationship?

adj. 1 polite or respectable. a decent family. 2 proper and suitable; fitting.

Is decent the same as okay?

Which is the best definition of the word decent?

1 : marked by moral integrity, kindness, and goodwill hard-working and decent folks it’s very decent of them to help 2a : conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality decent behavior b : modestly clothed 3 : free from immodesty or obscenity decent language

What is the difference between decent and descent?

What’s the difference between decent and descent? Decent is an adjective that means adequate or suitable, as in a decent meal, or good or respectable, as in a decent person. Descent is a noun that means the act of moving downward (descending), a downward movement, or downward movement in general.

Which is the most popular phrase in the world?

Most popular today… 1 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 2 No man is an island 3 Indian summer 4 On cloud nine 5 Hasta la vista 6 A friend in need is a friend indeed. The Phrase Thesaurus is a writers’ resource that stimulates ideas for headlines, copy, song lyrics, fiction writing etc.