What does droned mean in mice of men?

What does droned mean in mice of men?

Droned (p. 6) Definition: To speak in a monotonous tone. Sentence used in: “Lennie droned to himself softly, ‘I ain’t gonna say nothin’ …

What does split wedge mean?

Term. Split-Wedge. Definition. a crack or tear which is triangular in shape. Term.

What is a horseshoe tenement?

tenement. a run-down apartment house barely meeting minimal standards. “Listen,” she said. “All the guys got a horseshoe tenement goin’ on. It’s on’y about four o’clock.

What impact does Lennie and George’s entrance have on the peaceful setting previously described?

1. What impact does Lennie and George’s entrance have on the peaceful setting previously described? It’s not as quiet or peaceful, Lennie always has something to say or ask because he forgets, and George is always complaining about Lennie and him always forgetting and wanting things they don’t have.

Why is Lennie Mouse Dead?

Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket? As the story begins, Lennie has a dead mouse in his pocket because he likes to pet soft things but doesn’t know his own strength and accidentally killed the mouse when he pet it too hard.

How does George describe life without Lennie?

What does George say his life would be like without Lennie? He’d be lonely and have no one to share his dreams with. He’d have a girlfriend and no worries and his life would be much easier. He’d give up ranching and become a sheriff.

Why is George mean to Lennie?

While George can be very rational and thoughtful, he also gets frustrated and angry with Lennie because the big man cannot control his strength or actions.

Why doesn’t Curley expose the fact that Lennie broke his hand?

Why doesn’t Curley expose the fact that Lennie broke his hand? He is afraid of Slim. He is too proud and embarrassed. Lennie didn’t break his hand, he damaged it in a machine.

Where does George go at night without Lennie?

Candy is pressured into letting Carlson shoot his dog. Where does George go at night without Lennie? A ***** house.

What are George and Lennie’s last names?

Why did Steinbeck use thesenames (in your opinion)? George’s last name is Milton and Lennie is Lennie Small. Lennie’s last name is ironic because Steinbeck characterizes Lennie as a physically imposing man, “a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, and wide, sloping shoulders.”5.

Who does candy blame for the death of Curley’s wife?


Who first found Curley’s wife dead?

Candy comes looking for Lennie in the barn and discovers the body of Curley’s wife. He fetches George, who knows exactly what has happened when he sees the body. Candy warns that Curley will lynch Lennie if they don’t let him get away.

Why does candy cry when Curley’s wife died?

Candy is upset about the death of Curley’s wife because he thinks it’s the end of his dream to own a ranch with George and Lennie.

Was George justified in killing Lennie?

George does find Lennie before any of the other workers, and even with the chance to escape, he shoots Lennie. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the murder of Lennie was not Justified. First of all, George was not justified for killing Lennie because they could have escaped as they did in Weed.

Was George justified in killing Lennie quizlet?

Why did George kill Lennie and was he justified in doing that? He killed Lennie because he knew that the other ranchers would kill him and he did not want him to die by their hands so he shot Lennie himself. He was not justified in doing that.

Was Lennie’s death a murder or an act of mercy?

Because Lennie’s death is a “mercy killing” enacted consciously by George, it would be considered murder. However, since no one witnessed what has happened, George claims that he shot the gun in self-defense after getting it away from Lennie, who was going to shoot him.

What is the meaning of mercy killing?

Euthanasia, also called mercy killing, act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder or allowing them to die by withholding treatment or withdrawing artificial life-support measures.

Why did Carlson kill Candy’s dog?

Carlson shoots Candy’s dog because it is old, sick, and no longer able to work as a sheep dog. The shooting of Candy’s dog is also framed as a merciful act intended to prevent the dog’s suffering, which foreshadows George’s decision to shoot Lennie rather than let him be imprisoned or tortured by Curley.

Why do you think George chooses to shoot Lennie is this choice fair to Lennie Why or why not?

George tells lennie the story to distract him and put him in his happy place before he dies. why do you think George chooses to shoot lennie? is this choice fair to Lennie? why or why not? he chooses to shot lennie so that he doesn’t have to suffer from curley.

Why does Lennie visualizes his Aunt Clara?

It seems familiar because this was the setting at the beginning of the story. Why do you think Lennie visualizes Aunt Clara at this particular time? Lennie visualizes her because he feels guilty. George tells Lennie the story to distract him and put him in his happy place before he dies.

Who understands why George kills Lennie?

There are multiple textual examples from Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men that support the fact that Slim was the only person who understood why George had to kill Lennie. First, when Slim approaches George at the pond, shortly after George shot Lennie, Slim comes over to George and sits down next to him.

How was Lennie’s death foreshadowed?

This foreshadows the event in which Lennie kills Curley’s wife. Her saying “I’ll talk to you later” foreshadows them talking and Curely’s wife calling Lennie a machine foreshadows him grabing onto her hair and not being able to let go, like he did with the soft animals and Curley’s hand, earning him the nickname.

What does George say in his lie?

George lies and tells the boss that Lennie is his cousin, and that they left the job in Weed because it was done. George tells the boss that Lennie is not smart, but does not tell him he’s mentally challenged. When the men arrive at the ranch, they are already in trouble because they were late.