
What does Distincted mean?

What does Distincted mean?

1 : distinguishable to the eye or mind as being discrete (see discrete sense 1) or not the same : separate a distinct cultural group teaching as distinct from research. 2 : presenting a clear unmistakable impression a neat distinct handwriting.

What does diktat mean?

a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed

What does maximally mean?

to a maximal degree

What does submaximal mean?

less than maximal

What is a minimal element?

A minimal element of a subset S of some partially ordered set is defined dually as an element of S that is not greater than any other element in S. The notions of maximal and minimal elements are weaker than those of greatest element and least element which are also known, respectively, as maximum and minimum.

What is difference between minimal and minimum?

Minimum: the least or smallest amount or quantity possible, attainable, or required. Minimal is a little more flexible, where it refers to being the smallest amount or degree in non-absolute terms. Minimal: of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree. “Of a minimum amount”, without specifying the minimum amount.

What is minimal amount?

The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree. The definition of minimal is a small amount, or the least amount possible. When you put forth the least amount of effort possible, this is an example of a time when you put forth minimal effort.

What is another word for minimal?

minimalist, negligible, marginal, smallest, miniscule, slight, infinitesimal, nominal, trivial, scant, modest, Minima, minimally, mild, inconsiderable, slim, immaterial, weak, rudimentary, minimise, basic, lesser, less.

What’s the meaning of minimum?

is the lowest

What is meaning of maximum and minimum?

Minimum means the least you can do of something. For example, if the minimum amount of dollars you must pay for something is seven, then you cannot pay six dollars or less (you must pay at least seven). You can do more than the minimum, but no less. Maximum means the most you can have of something.

What does minimum of 500 words mean?

A 500-word essay usually means a 500-word essay. In other words, if you’re asked to write 500 words, your essay could be a little under or a little over; I like so stay within the range of 450–550 words. You will never be asked to restrict your number of sentences.

What Extrema means?

Extremum, plural Extrema, in calculus, any point at which the value of a function is largest (a maximum) or smallest (a minimum). There are both absolute and relative (or local) maxima and minima.

How many extrema are there?


What is supercritical condition?

When a compound is subjected to a pressure and a temperature higher than its critical point, the fluid is said to be ” supercritical ” . In the supercritical region, the fluid exhibits particular proporties and has an intermediate behavior between that of a liquid and a gas.

What is called critical temperature?

Critical temperatures (the maximum temperature at which a gas can be liquefied by pressure) range from 5.2 K, for helium, to temperatures too high to measure. Critical pressures (the vapour pressure at the critical temperature) are generally about 40–100 bars.

How do you find the maxima and minima?

Find the first derivative of a function f(x) and find the critical numbers. Then, find the second derivative of a function f(x) and put the critical numbers. If the value is negative, the function has relative maxima at that point, if the value is positive, the function has relative maxima at that point.

What is Maxima condition?

Locating Local Maxima and Minima (Necessary Conditions) It states: Every function which is continuous in a closed domain possesses a maximum and minimum Value either in the interior or on the boundary of the domain. The proof is by contradiction.

How many local maxima and minima are there?

There is only one global maximum (and one global minimum) but there can be more than one local maximum or minimum. Assuming this function continues downwards to left or right: The Global Maximum is about 3.7.