
What does D mean for phone number?

What does D mean for phone number?

“d” stands for her “direct” line, not the main company phone number, but the phone that rings directly at her desk. by Anonymous.

What does F mean in front of a phone number?

facsimile line

What is phone abbreviation?

Abbreviation for Phone

15 Ph Phone Architectural, Construction, Technology
3 ph Phone Emergency, Internet Slang, Slang
1 FON Phone Computing, Programming
1 FONE Phone Technology, Morse Aids, Morse Code
1 fone Phone Internet Slang, Texting, Slang

Does Ph stand for phone?

What does (ph) mean? – Definition of (ph) – (ph) stands for Phone.

What does telly stand for?

Television or telescope

How do I find a persons address?

Method 1 of 3: Using WhitePages

  1. Enter a name. In the left-most text box in the middle of the page, type in the first and last name of the person for whom you want to search.
  2. Add a location.
  3. Click the “Search”
  4. Select the person.
  5. Review the person’s address.

What does C mean next to phone number?

C stands, of course, for “cellphone”. That’s “of course” only if you live in the USA or some other country where mobile phones are called cellphones.

What does C mean before a number?

Circa (from Latin ‘around, about, roughly, approximately’) – frequently abbreviated ca. or c. and less frequently circ., cca. or cc. – signifies “approximately” in several European languages and is used as a loanword in English, usually in reference to a date.

What does CH stand for on clothing?

that is “small” in 3 languages….ch=chico (spanish), p=petite ((french)

What does Ch mean in a text message?

CH — Crack-Head. CH — Cardboard Heroes. CH — Carolina Herrera. CH — Come Home. CH — Crazy Hand.

What is Ch chat?

CH Chat is the first and easiest chat client for any Clubhouse room. CH Chat enables the entire audience to: -Have a meaningful, thoughtful share in the conversation. -Connect , share links, tips and insights. -Ask meaningful questions.

Is clubhouse the same as discord?

Discord is the latest company to introduce a Clubhouse-like feature that lets people easily broadcast live audio conversations to a room of virtual listeners. If you’ve used Discord before, you might know that the app already offers voice channels, which typically allow everyone in them to talk freely.

Does clubhouse work on Android?

Clubhouse is one of the more popular apps to arrive in recent times, but it is still unavailable to download on Android devices. The audio-only app originally launched on iPhone back in 2020 and has remained only available on iOS since then.

Why clubhouse is so popular?

It quickly gained popularity as it gave users the rare opportunity to exercise free speech online and discuss topics banned by the CCP, such as the Hong Kong situation and the re-education of Uighurs in the Xinjiang region. Predictably, Clubhouse has since been blocked in China.