
What does chopped mean in slang?

What does chopped mean in slang?

To hit on or attempt to attract someone of the opposite sex.

What is chopped wood called?

Wood splitting (riving, cleaving) is an ancient technique used in carpentry to make lumber for making wooden objects, some basket weaving, and to make firewood. Unlike wood sawing, the wood is split along the grain using tools such as a hammer and wedges, splitting maul, cleaving axe, side knife, or froe.

What is the meaning of chopping?

transitive verb. 1a : to cut into or sever usually by repeated blows of a sharp instrument. b : to cut into pieces —often used with up chop up an onion. c : to weed and thin out (young cotton) d : to cut as if by chopping chop prices a bridge chops the lake in two.

What does chop the morning wood mean?

Morning wood is one of several similar slang or colloquial terms referring to the phenomenon of nocturnal penile tumescence (erection) during and immediately following sleep.

Why do guys get turned on in the morning?

The parasympathetic nervous system is active when you’re asleep, so erections sometimes happen in your sleep. The term “morning wood” is actually a misnomer; penises can become erect and then flaccid again several times in the course of one night. You’re just more likely to notice it when you wake up.

What does chopped up mean?

: to cut (something) into small pieces She chopped up the nuts and added them to the cookie dough. He chopped the onion up for the stew.

What is another word for cut off?

What is another word for cut off?

amputate detach
lop dissever
shear off slice off
sunder extract
snip off snip

What does it mean to chalk someone?

chalk (something or someone) off To presume, dismiss, or disregard someone or something as being a certain way.

What is the meaning of chalk out?

1. To illustrate something, often a plan or concept, by literally drawing it in chalk. A noun or pronoun can be used between “chalk” and “out.” The architect quickly chalked out her vision for the addition to our house, to gauge our initial reactions to it.

Is it chock it up or chalk it up?

The idiom “chock it up” can be correct in instances where it means to insert wedge-shaped blocks or other objects next to something to prevent it from rolling, dropping, or coming loose; but it is not correct—at least not yet—in place of chalk it up in the idiomatic expression “chalk it up to X.”

What does chalk mean in military terms?

In military terminology, a chalk is a group of paratroopers or other soldiers that deploy from a single aircraft. A chalk often corresponds to a platoon-sized unit for air assault operations, or a company-minus-sized organization for airborne operations.

What is a stick in the army?

A swagger stick is a short stick or riding crop usually carried by a uniformed person as a symbol of authority. A swagger stick is shorter than a staff or cane, and is usually made from rattan.

What does a Mike mean?

Usually, a mike means a minute. Instead of saying “I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” someone speaking into a military radio might say, “We’ll be there in one zero mikes.” The term mike-mike can also be used for the measurement millimeters, with a 40 mm grenade launcher referred to as the “40-mike-mike.”

What does Bravo mean in the Army?

– Bravo: Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. – Charlie: Applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. 100% ID card check required.

What is Charlie alert?

THREATCON CHARLIE: (Threat level high) This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent.