
What does Chinita mean in Filipino?

What does Chinita mean in Filipino?

Chinita is when someone looks stereotypically Asian. Mestiza is when someone looks mixed or is Filipino and of a different ancestry.

What is Chinita English?

chinita (piedrecita): small stone.

What does Chinito mean in Spanish?

But it also prompted conversation over whether the word “chinito” is equally offensive. The Spanish word literally translates to “little China man” or “Chinese boy.”

What is the meaning of Morena girl?

brown, brown-haired
Morena is an Italian, Portuguese and Spanish feminine given name derived from the term moreno, meaning “brown, brown-haired.” It is a popular name in Argentina, where it was the second most popular name given to baby girls born in Córdoba, Argentina in 2009.

What does chanita mean in Spanish?

chanita [f] MX:Se. ladies teardrop.

What does Chino mean in slang?

Chino (feminine china) was a term used in colonial Mexico to refer to people of mixed ancestry. In the eighteenth century, individuals of mixed Amerindian and African ancestry came to be called chinos.

What is Chinta English?

Meaning. The word, Chintā (चिन्ता), is derived from the root – चिन्त् meaning – to think, consider, reflect, ponder over; and by itself means – thinking, thought, sad or sorrowful thought, reflection, consideration, anxiety.

What does Morena mean in Filipino?

Morena in Spanish/Filipino means a tanned brunette (I’m very loosely defining here) – however, growing up in the Philippines being a morena was nowhere near as fun as it otherwise sounds. Being dark, having brown skin… So this is my way of embracing me in my own skin.

What does Morena mean in Puerto Rico?

Morena is an Italian, Portuguese and Spanish feminine given name derived from the term moreno, meaning “brown, brown-haired.” La piña está agria. Uptown baby, uptown.

What is chino a nickname for?

It can be a nickname for people of Chinese descent, but more commonly it’s used for people who have high cheekbones and narrow eyes. In other words, people who look Asian. Chino had its heyday as a boxing nickname nearly 80 years ago, when Mexico still had a very large immigrant Chinese community.

Why is Chino called Chino?

The ‘Chino’ got its name in the Philippines – during Spanish colonial rule in the 19th century. In the Philippines, members of the army liked to wear trousers made from twill. The name comes from the (South American) Spanish word for “roasted”, which in turn comes from Persian and alludes to the typical “khaki” color.

What is the meaning of fikra?

/fikra karanā/ fret intransitive verb. If you fret about something, you worry about it.