
What does bivouacked mean?

What does bivouacked mean?

bivouacked; bivouacking. Definition of bivouac (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to make a bivouac : camp a place for the troops to bivouac. 2 : to take shelter often temporarily.

What is the synonym of bivouac?

Synonyms for bivouac. camp (out), encamp.

How do you spell bivouac?

Webster Dictionary

  1. Bivouac(noun) the watch of a whole army by night, when in danger of surprise or attack.
  2. Bivouac(noun) an encampment for the night without tents or covering.
  3. Bivouac(verb) to watch at night or be on guard, as a whole army.
  4. Bivouac(verb) to encamp for the night without tents or covering.

What does bivouac of life mean?

The phrase ‘bivouac of Life’refers to life as a temporary shelter. It re-emphasises that we are on earth only for a limited period of time and whatever we wish for should be achieved while we are alive.

What does forlorn mean?

1a : bereft, forsaken left quite forlorn of hope. b : sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion : desolate a forlorn landscape.

How do you use the word forlorn?

Forlorn in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The forlorn man was so sad he thought about killing himself.
  2. When we visit the nursing home, we try to spend extra time with all of the forlorn senior citizens.
  3. The forlorn widow was so unhappy she stopped eating.

What are two synonyms for forlorn?

other words for forlorn

  • depressed.
  • deserted.
  • desolate.
  • desperate.
  • despondent.
  • lonely.
  • oppressed.
  • pathetic.

What does transfigured mean?

1a : a change in form or appearance : metamorphosis. b : an exalting, glorifying, or spiritual change.

What is the opposite of forlorn?

forlorn. Antonyms: supported, attended, cherished, protected, befriended, cheered. Synonyms: abandoned, deserted, forsaken, solitary, destitute, desolate, hapless, luckless, helpless, disconsolate, lone, woe-begone, lonesome, wretched.

What does floating in the air mean?

: feeling very happy After he won the election, he was floating on air.

What does prosaic mean in English?

adjective. commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative: a prosaic mind. of or having the character or form of prose, the ordinary form of spoken or written language, rather than of poetry.

What is a synonym for prosaic?

prosaic. Synonyms: accurate, calculable, calculated, commonplace, literal, ordinary, real, reasonable, regular, sensible, solid, sound, sure, true. Antonyms: chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, grotesque, imaginative, visionary.

How do you use prosaic in a sentence?

Prosaic in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a prosaic little place.
  2. The title of your book is so prosaic that most people are going to walk right past it in the store.

How are prosaic and dull difference?

‘ Prosaic (adjective) Dull; uninteresting; commonplace; unimaginative; prosy; as, a prosaic person. As adjectives the difference between prosaic and dull is that prosaic is pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose while dull is lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp.

What is capricious work?

adjective. subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: He’s such a capricious boss I never know how he’ll react.