
What does a kegger mean?

What does a kegger mean?

: a party featuring one or more kegs of beer. — called also keg party.

How do you spell Gungy?

verb (used with object), gunged, gung·ing. to clog with gunge (often followed by up).

What does Ling mean?

young, small, or inferior

Is Gungy a word?

gungy adj. Having the texture or feel of gunge; gooey or gunky.

Is Gungey a Scrabble word?

No, gungey is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does gunk mean in slang?

filthy, sticky, or greasy matter

Is gunk a Scrabble word?

Yes, gunk is in the scrabble dictionary.

What’s another word for gunk?

What is another word for gunk?

grime muck
scum dregs
dust soot
slob silt
waste dross

What’s another word for stuff?

What is another word for stuff?

things objects
belongings effects
items possessions
goods trappings
junk materials

Is kegger a real word?

noun. 1US informal A large party at which beer is served from a keg, typically attended by students or young people.

Is Keger a word?

View the pronunciation for kegger….kegger ​Definitions and Synonyms.

singular kegger
plural keggers

What is the synonym of Keg?

Keg Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for keg?

barrel cask
firkin hogshead
tun drum
vat butt
container kilderkin

Is Keger a valid Scrabble word?

KEGGER is a valid scrabble word.

What is the longest keg stand record?

Last weekend, the annual presidential mixer took place at the Phi Slama Jama house, and the moment looked like it was out of a Renaissance painting. The previous presidential record was 15 seconds set in 1969. Boleso shattered the record by performing an astounding one minute and 33-second keg stand.

What is a keg stand Urban Dictionary?

Support our journalism. Subscribe today. If you’re unfamiliar with the activity, here’s a definition from Urban Dictionary, official chronicler of collegiate culture: AD. A common party activity in which two people hold another person’s feet while the person’s hands hold onto the keg.

Is it cheaper to buy a keg or cases of beer?

A standard keg contains 15.5 gallons, or 1,984 ounces. A case of Budweiser contains twenty-four 12oz. cans (288 total ounces) and costs about $23. To get the same volume by ounce as a standard keg, you would need to buy seven cases of Budweiser for about $160 – resulting in over $55 in savings per keg.

How many cans of beer are in a 5 gallon keg?

5 Gallon Corny Keg:

Cornelius Keg Slim Quarter Keg
Width 9” 11?”
Bottles / Cans (12oz) 53 82
Pints (16 oz) 40 62
AKA Corny Keg Tall Quarter

How many beers is a log?

How Many Beers In A Keg?

Corny Sixtel
Oz 640 661
Liters 18.93 19.55
Pints (16 oz) 40 41
Cans (12oz) 53 55

Are Kegerators worth it?

A kegerator provides over $55 in savings per keg! Plus, you can get the bar experience at home for much less than heading out! Again, we can’t emphasize enough how different draft beer taste from a can or bottle. It will greatly increase your beer experience!