
What does a construct mean?

What does a construct mean?

: to build or make (something physical, such as a road, bridge, or building) : to make or create (something, such as a story or theory) by organizing ideas, words, etc. mathematics : to draw (a shape) according to a set of instructions or rules.

What is artificial English?

adjective. made by human skill; produced by humans (opposed to natural): artificial flowers. imitation; simulated; sham: artificial vanilla flavoring. lacking naturalness or spontaneity; forced; contrived; feigned: an artificial smile.

What does artificial mean in food?

The term “artificial” generally refers to ingredients or foods created to imitate nature, such as certain colorings or flavors. For example, food scientists developed artificial raspberry flavor to mimic the taste of real raspberries. The nutrition label lists all artificial compounds in a processed food.

What is bad about artificial flavors?

Artificial flavors are typically not harmful. Whether natural or artificial, food flavors are made up of molecules that occur naturally and can be synthesized. In general, natural flavors are much more complex than artificial ones, which have far fewer component molecules.

Why are artificial ingredients bad for you?

Reasons to avoid artificial sweeteners: Causes weight gain and weight-loss resistance. Decreases the beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract; this may also negatively impact the immune system. Increases sugar cravings.

What are the most dangerous food additives?

  • Aspartame. The sweetener found in Equal and NutraSweet and thousands of other food products has many critics.
  • Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.
  • Sodium Nitrite.
  • Artificial Coloring.
  • Olestra.
  • Stevia.
  • Saccharin.
  • Sulfites.

What meats are not processed?

How Can I Choose a Healthier Lunch Meat?

  • Always choose fresh deli meat over prepackaged lunch meat. Deli meat that is sliced fresh off the bone or slab contain natural nitrates and is minimally processed.
  • Look for a low-sodium deli meat.
  • Choose the leanest cut of deli meat possible such as turkey, chicken breast, lean ham or roast beef.

What foods make thighs bigger?

Some of the best foods for bulking up :

  • meats like sirloin steak, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, and tilapia.
  • dairy like cheese, yogurt, and low fat milk.
  • grains like oatmeal, quinoa, and whole-grain breads.
  • fruits like bananas, grapes, watermelon, and berries.
  • starchy vegetables like potatoes, lima beans, and cassava.

Is Vaseline good for breast enlargement?

Can Vaseline help your breasts grow? There’s no clinical evidence that applying Vaseline to your breasts will increase their size or firmness. Rubbing the product on your chest each night will not cause them to grow.