
What does 2E 10 mean?

What does 2E 10 mean?

What is 2e10 in scientific notation? It means the answer is in scientific notation and most likely a very large number. The e followed by a number is 10 to the power of that number. Your 2e10 is 2×10^10.

What does 1E10 mean on a calculator?


What is 2E equal to?


What is 2e14?

Number 2e14, two hundred million million – Numbers-To-Words.com.

What does 2e 15 mean?

2E-15 means the result is not zero but 0..

What does 2e 8 mean?

Loading when this answer was accepted… 2e+08 means 2 multiplied by 10^8. In other words, 2 followed by 8 zeros: 2e+08 =

Why do Thai use 555?

So, if you’ve ever been wondering what 555 means in Thailand, here it is: Writing 555 is the same as using hahaha or lol in your message. Yup, it is that simple. Next time you see it you’ll know they are joking around, having a laugh, or thought what they wrote is funny (don’t we all).

What things are banned in Thailand?

5 Stranges Laws in Thailand; Legal peculiarities

  • 1) It’s illegal to leave the house without your underwear on.
  • 2) It’s a crime to step on any Thai currency.
  • 3) It’s a punishable offence to throw (used) chewing gum on the pavement.
  • 4) You mustn’t drive a car shirtless.

How do Thai laugh?

How the World Laughs on the Web

  • English – “hahaha”, “LOL”
  • Spanish – “jajaja”
  • Arabic – “ههههه” (“hhhhh” – Arabic doesn’t write short vowels, so that could be read as “hahahahaha”)
  • Thai – “55555” (“5” in Thai is pronounced “ha”)
  • French – “hahaha”, “héhéhé”
  • Russian – “хахаха” (“hahaha”), “бгггггг” (“bgggg”), “гггггг” (“gggggg”), “олололо” (“olololo”)

Who laughs Jajaja?

Jaja, jeje, jiji, jojo or even juju are in spanish to represent laughter, laughs or the comic. the j spanish sounds like the h of English in some cases like in habit. Jajaja… is just the pronunciation, for spanish speaker the letter “H” doesn’t make sound. So if we write “hahaha” is like to say “aaa”.