
What do you call someone who is mysterious?

What do you call someone who is mysterious?

abstruse, arcane, baffling, cloak-and-dagger, concealed, covert, cryptic, curious, dark, Delphic, enigmatic, furtive, hidden, impenetrable, incomprehensible, inexplicable, inscrutable, insoluble, mystical, mystifying, obscure, perplexing, puzzling, recondite, secret, secretive, sphinxlike, strange, uncanny.

What’s the opposite of mystery?

What is the opposite of mystery?

obviousness blatancy
clearness conspicuousness
predictability overtness

What is the other word for life?

What is another word for life?

existence survival
being consciousness
sentience continuance
essence aliveness
animateness animation

What is the opposite of mischievous?

Antonyms: harmless, serious, sober, unplayful. Synonyms: prankish, arch, implike, wicked, impish, puckish, pixilated.

What is a better word for mischievous?


  • artful.
  • frolicsome.
  • mischievous.
  • pert.
  • playful.
  • roguish.
  • saucy.
  • sly.

What does mischievously mean?

1 : harmful, injurious mischievous gossip. 2a : able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minor injury. b : irresponsibly playful mischievous behavior.

Is sociable masculine or feminine?


masculin féminin
superlatif le plus sociable les plus sociables le moins sociable les moins sociables la plus sociable les plus sociables la moins sociable les moins sociables
adverbe sociablement

What do you call someone who likes to socialize?

“Gregarious” may be the word you’re looking for; calling someone “gregarious” usually implies that they are friendly or amiable, but also that they particularly enjoy socializing.

What is a friendly person like?

The definition of friendly is someone or something exhibiting the characteristics of a friend, such as being kind, helpful or affectionate. An example of a friendly gesture is smiling, waving and saying hello. An example of a friendly person is someone who is always kind. Easy to use, operate, or understand.

What do you call a strong woman?

60 powerful words to describe a strong woman

accountable educated positive
beautiful graceful punctual
brave hardworking reliable
bright impressive remarkable
capable independent resilient