
What do you call a dry riverbed?

What do you call a dry riverbed?

An arroyo (/əˈrɔɪoʊ/; from Spanish arroyo Spanish: [aˈroʝo], “brook”), also called a wash, is a dry creek, stream bed or gulch that temporarily or seasonally fills and flows after sufficient rain.

What is another term for a riverbed?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for riverbed, like: river-bed, stream-bed, streambed, wadis, runnel, scree, mudbanks, gulleys, lakebed and river bottom.

What does Riverbed mean?

the channel occupied by a river

What is an antonym for dry?

dry. Antonyms: moist, fresh, juicy, lively, entertaining. Synonyms: arid, parched, moistureless, juiceless, barren, tame, sarcastic, vapid, lifeless, dull, tedious, uninteresting, monotonous.

What word means hot and dry?


What is another word for hot weather?

What is another word for hot weather?

torridity warmth
fever sultriness
calidity incalescence
hotness torridness
incandescence heatwave

What’s a hot word phrase?

Hot words and hot phrases are words and phrases that tend to provoke emotional reactions in other people — in this case, in your customer. They operate somewhat automatically, and hot words and phrases are not always logical.

How do you describe hot and humid weather?

steamy, sultry, baking, boiling, broiling, blistery, muggy (though this is more about humidity) and scorching. ‘Hot’, ‘Cold’, ‘Humid’ and ‘Hot’ are the common and repeated words which are used to describe the weather in English language.

How do you describe a hot night?

Here are some adjectives for summer nights: motionless hot, glorious, soft, breathless, interminable, sultry brilliant, hot, transparent, hot, lazy, yellow moonlit, cold, thy, clear, short, warm clear, warm, heavy, clear cold, long, bright, sultry, rainless, calm, sweet, sweltering, long, hot, moonlit, bitter cold.

How do you describe a hot summer day?

Answer. A hot day in summer is sultry and scorching. It is full of sweat and perspiration. One wishes a cold bath again and again.

What is the describing word of sun?

abundant, sufficient, afternoon, spacious, artificial, available, beautiful, burning, blessed, blinding, bright, brightest, brilliant, wide, broken burning, cheerful, bright, cold, constant, dappled, dazzling, diffuse, weak, direct, dusty, early, enough, excessive, fading weak, bright, filtered, first, fresh, full.

What is the another name for Sun?

What is another word for sun?

star Helios
Sol luminary
Phoebus sphere
Apollo daystar
Ra Phoebus Apollo