What did Perseus do?

What did Perseus do?

Perseus is a major hero from Greek mythology best known for his clever decapitation of Medusa, the monster who turned all who looked at her face into stone. He also rescued Andromeda from the sea monster. Like most of the mythological heroes, the genealogy of Perseus makes him the son of a god and a mortal.

What happened to Perseus after his death?

He did not feel comfortable ruling his grandfather’s kingdom, after having killed him, so he and Andromeda moved away, and Perseus founded the kingdom of Mycenae. And Perseus and Andromeda lived happily ever after!

What did Perseus build?

Answer Expert Verified Perseus used a sword, winged sandals, a mirror shield, a sack, and a magic helmet to defeat the Gorgon, Medusa. His defenses were given by the Greek Gods to help him with his quest to slay Medusa.

Who all did Perseus kill?

monster Medusa
Perseus was a demi-god, the son of Zeus and a mortal named Danae. Perseus killed the famed monster Medusa, the hideous gorgon with snakes for hair who turned anyone with the misfortune of looking into her eyes into stone. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were king and queen, and had a beautiful daughter, Andromeda.

What was Perseus weakness?

5 Weaknesses Perseus only had one major weakness, which was that he was mortal, therefore he can die. The Graie weakness was that between the 3 of them, they only had one eye. Medusa was the only mortal Gorgon. 6 Description Perseus was a strong, blond man.

Who is the lover of Poseidon?

Poseidon chose Amphitrite from among her sisters as the Nereids performed a dance on the isle of Naxos. Refusing his offer of marriage, she fled to Atlas, from whom she was retrieved by a dolphin sent by Poseidon. Amphitrite then returned, becoming Poseidon’s wife; he rewarded the dolphin by making it a constellation.

Did Athena really punish Medusa?

Modern Feminist interpretations of the tale of Medusa say that the idea that Athena “punished” Medusa for being raped by Poseidon is a Patriarchal lie. The truth is that Athena did not punish Medusa, rather she blessed her with the means to protect herself so that no man could ever rape her again.

What did Perseus do?

What did Perseus do?

Perseus. Perseus, in Greek mythology, the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa and the rescuer of Andromeda from a sea monster. Because the gaze of Medusa turned all who looked at her to stone, Perseus guided himself by her reflection in a shield given him by Athena and beheaded Medusa as she slept.

Which of Perseus qualities are heroic Does he have any UN heroic qualities?

Strengths: Persistent, persuasive, courageous, and a strong fighter. Weaknesses/Flaws: Can be a bit deceptive, like Hermes himself. Parents of Perseus Danaë and Zeus, who appeared to her as a shower of gold.

What is the myth of Perseus?

Perseus. The only son of Zeus and Danae – and, thus, a half-god by birth – Perseus was one of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology, most renowned for beheading the only mortal Gorgon, Medusa, and using her severed head (capable of turning onlookers into stone) as a mighty weapon in his subsequent adventures.