
What country code is 178?

What country code is 178?

Where is telephone country code 178 – Answers. May 27, 2013 ยท There is no telephone country code +178. Country code +1 is North America (USA, Canada, etc.), and 78 would be the first two digits of a three-digit area code.

Which country code is 88216?


Which country is TW?


What is the Taiwan code number?


How do I call a cell phone in Taiwan?

In order to call Taiwan, dial 011 +886, then the phone number. If you’re dialing a cell phone, remove the 0 from 011 to complete the call – simply add +886 to start of the number.

How do I make a phone call to Taiwan?

How to Call Taiwan from the U.S.

  1. First, dial 011 to exit the U.S. telephone system.
  2. Next, dial 866, Taiwan’s country code.
  3. Now dial the local number, which is either 8 or 9 digits. Mobile numbers begin with 9.

How do I call a Canadian cell phone in Taiwan?

To call Taiwan from Canada, dial: 011 – 886 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 011 – 886 – 9 Digit Mobile Number

  1. 011 – Exit code for Canada, and is needed for making any international call from Canada.
  2. 886 – ISD Code or Country Code of Taiwan.
  3. Area code – There are 31 area codes in Taiwan.

How can I call Taiwan from USA for free?

First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. Next dial 866, the country code for Taiwan. Then dial the 1- or 2-digit area code (see sample calling code list below) and finally the 7- or 8-digit phone number. Note: Area code + phone number should total 8 digits except for Taipei and certain surrounding areas with 9 digits.

How do I call Taiwan from Philippines?

To call Taiwan from Philippines, dial: 00 – 886 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 00 – 886 – 9 Digit Mobile Number

  1. 00 – Exit code for Philippines, and is needed for making any international call from Philippines.
  2. 886 – ISD Code or Country Code of Taiwan.
  3. Area code – There are 31 area codes in Taiwan.

How do you call China from us?

To call China from the U.S., just follow these simple dialing directions:

  1. First dial 011, the U.S. exit code.
  2. Next dial 86, the country code for China.
  3. Then dial the area code (2โ€“4 digits โ€” please see a sample calling code list below).
  4. Finally dial the phone number (6โ€“8 digit telephone number).