
What consultant means?

What consultant means?

A consultant is an person who provides professional or expert advice in a particular field of science or business to either an organisation or individual. Firstly, a consultant provides expertise that a client lacks or support that a client is unable to fulfill.

What is the abbreviation for specialist?


How do you abbreviate construction?

There are three common abbreviations of construction: const., constr., constrn. If you want to make any of these plural, simply add on an “s.”

How do you abbreviate builder?

What is the abbreviation for Builder?

  1. BU — Builder.
  2. BLDR — Builder.

What does LC stand for in construction?

June 4, 2013

AB Asbestos Board or Anchor Bolt
LC Level Compressed
LCA Life Cycle Assessment (Sustainable Architecture)
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEED Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

Is a linear foot the same as a foot?

A linear foot is exactly what it sounds like: a 12-inch (one-foot) measurement of length. For this measurement, width and height don’t matter! For example, if you have a piece of flooring that’s 5 feet long, 6 inches wide and 0.25 inches tall, it’s 5 linear feet.

What is running foot?

A running foot is same as standard foot (ie. 12 inches). Running foot is the term mostly used for measuring the length of timber or wood but can be used for measuring other areas such as length of the wall for painting.

What is the difference between SFT and RFT?

A running foot a term used in woodworking and is the same as a linear foot or standard foot. All three terms refer to a one-dimensional measure of length or distance. Running feet are sometimes abbreviated to RFT. The term “running feet” is used specifically to describe the length of a piece of lumber.