
What colleges will accept a 26 ACT score?

What colleges will accept a 26 ACT score?

The 15 Most Popular Colleges if your ACT score is Between 25-29:

RANK 13 COLLEGE NAME University of Washington ACT 25th PERCENTILE 26
RANK 14 COLLEGE NAME Syracuse University ACT 25th PERCENTILE 25
RANK 15 COLLEGE NAME University of Miami ACT 25th PERCENTILE 28

Can I get into NYU with a 26 ACT?

NYU ACT Scores Admission data indicates that NYU regularly accepts students with ACT’s of 30 and above. Prospective students submitting an ACT composite of 32 or higher should be in the upper half of applicants – and students with a 34 and above have very competitive chances.

Can I get a scholarship with a 26 ACT score?

There may be many scholarships you qualify for with ACT scores in the low 20’s. It depends on which colleges you are looking at. There are many more, but this shows that at each range, scholarships exist. Therefore, ACT scores from 26 to 30 may open up avenues that a range of 18-21 may not.

Is it hard to get a 26 on the ACT?

A 26 puts you well above the national average of all ACT test takers, at about 83%ile. Its average ACT score is a 27. Its 25th percentile score is a 24, and 75th percentile is a 29. Furthermore, its acceptance rate is 55%.

What ACT score gets a full ride?

To be eligible, students must have ACT scores of at least 31 or SAT scores of at least 1430, be in the top 5% of their high school classes, and have a GPA of 3.8 or above.

What is the hardest section on the act?

The ACT® Reading and ACT® Science sections are both the hardest and easiest to prepare for.

Is ACT getting harder?

Relatively speaking, the ACT has gotten “harder” over the years. As students start to do better on ACT, the test-makers gradually adjust the difficulty level of the test. And students have gotten better. Although this may initially may seem as if test has gotten easier, the opposite is true.

Is a 30 on the ACT good?

Yes, a score of 30 is excellent. It places you in the top 93rd percentile nationally out of the 2 million test takers of the ACT entrance exam. The score indicates you’ve done a significantly above above average job answering the questions on the English, Math, Reading and Science sections of the test.

What GPA do you need to get into MIT?

There’s no formula for gaining transfer admission to MIT. There’s no minimum required GPA, however, competitive applicants typically have a 3.5 GPA or above, and mostly As in math and science courses. Ideal preparation includes—at the very least—one year each of college-level calculus and calculus-based physics.