
What causes tides discuss the effects of tidal forces and how bulges are formed?

What causes tides discuss the effects of tidal forces and how bulges are formed?

Gravity and inertia act in opposition on the Earth’s oceans, creating tidal bulges on opposite sites of the planet. On the “near” side of the Earth (the side facing the moon), the gravitational force of the moon pulls the ocean’s waters toward it, creating one bulge.

What are the effects of tidal forces?

Tidal forces create the oceanic tide of Earth’s oceans, where the attracting bodies are the Moon and, to a lesser extent, the Sun. Tidal forces are also responsible for tidal locking, tidal acceleration, and tidal heating. Tides may also induce seismicity.

How are tidal bulges formed?

Gravity and inertia are opposing forces acting on the earth’s oceans, creating tidal bulges on opposite sides of the planet. On the “near” side of the earth (the side facing the moon), the gravitational force of the moon pulls the ocean’s waters toward it, creating one bulge.

How do tides affect marine life?

Tides affect marine ecosystems by influencing the kinds of plants and animals that thrive in what is known as the intertidal zone—the area between high and low tide. Sand crabs not only burrow to survive, they actually follow the tides to maintain just the right depth in the wet sand.

How many tidal bulges are there?

two tidal
Since the Earth rotates through two tidal “bulges” every lunar day, we experience two high and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes. Here, we see the relationship between the tidal cycle and the lunar day.

Which celestial body has a greater effect on tidal forces?

Based on its mass, the sun’s gravitational attraction to the Earth is more than 177 times greater than that of the moon to the Earth. If tidal forces were based solely on comparative masses, the sun should have a tide-generating force that is 27 million times greater than that of the moon.

What creates the largest tidal bulges quizlet?

The large tidal bulges occur on the side of the moon, and the opposite side of the moon. These large tidal bulges are caused by the moon’s pull on the Earth oceans, and the moon’s gravitational pull on the actual earth, leaving a bulge on the opposite side.

How are tides formed quizlet?

Tides are caused mainly by differences in how much the moon’s gravity pulls on different parts of Earth. Spring tides occur when the sun and the moon are in line (180°) with the earth. Neap tides occur when the sun and the moon occur at right angles (90°) to the earth.

Why is a tidal bulge on both sides of the Earth?

This is why a tidal bulge appears on both sides of Earth. Figure 13.22 The tidal force stretches Earth along the line between Earth and the Moon. It is the difference between the gravitational force from the far side to the near side that creates the tidal bulge on both sides of the planet.

How are the Earth, Moon and sun affected by tidal forces?

During spring tides, Earth, the Moon, and the Sun are aligned and the tidal effects add. (Recall that the tidal forces cause bulges on both sides.) (Figure) (c) shows the relative positions for the smallest tides, called neap tides. The extremes of both high and low tides are affected.

Where does the force of tidal force come from?

It’s all because the tidal force is a differential force—meaning that it comes from differences in gravity over Earth’s surface. Here’s how it works: On the side of Earth that is directly facing the moon, the moon’s gravitational pull is the strongest. The water on that side is pulled strongly in the direction of the moon.

What causes the ocean to bulge toward the Moon?

The ocean also bulges out on the side of Earth opposite the moon. The tidal force causes water to bulge toward the moon and on the side opposite the moon. These bulges represent high tides.